Chapter 16-24 Flashcards
A sample of a material, such as blood, urine, or spinal fluid, taken from a patient’s body for diagnostic purposes
Material coughed up from the lungs or bronchial tubes and spit out of the mouth
Refers to a urine specimen in which collection is begun after the urine stream has started and stops before the urine stream ends
Refers to a urine specimen that’s obtained without being contaminated by anything outside of the patient’s body
Bowel movement or feces
To cough up material from the lungs or windpipe and spit it out
Thin, clear liquid produced by the salivary glands in the mouth
AM care
Routine care performed when a patient wakes up in the morning
PM care
Routine care performed before a patient goes to sleep at night
Restorative care
Care that focuses on helping a patient return to and maintain a level of health and well-being; TO MAINTAIN
A type of health care that helps a patient regain the highest possible state of functioning
Occupational therapist (OT)
A professional who helps patients regain muscle control, coordination, and tolerance for activity, with the goal of recovering the ability to live and work as independent as possible
Physical therapist (PT)
A professional who uses exercises and other techniques to help patients regain mobility
Speech-language pathologist (SLP)
A professional who helps patients improve their speech, communication, and swallowing
An artificial body part
An appliance used to support, align, or correct deformaties
Fecal impaction
The blockage of the bowel by a mass of hard feces
A solid, easily melted medication that’s inserted into a body opening such as the rectum or vagina
Range-of-motion (ROM) exercises
Exercises in which each muscle and joint in the body is moved through its full range of motion– that’s, all the movements it’s normally capable of
Passive ROM
Exercises in which the CNA moves the patient’s limbs through the range of motion
Active ROM
Exercises in which the patient moves the limb through the range of motion without help
Active-assistive ROM
Exercises in which the patient moves the limb through as much range of motion as possible and the CNA helps with the rest
Increased tightness in a muscle, causing it to resist stretching and movement
The movement of an arm or leg away from the center of the body
The movement of an arm or leg toward the center of the body
Straightening a body part
Bending a joint
The movement of a joint in a circular motion around its axis
Turning the palm upward
Dorsal flexion
Bending the foot up toward the leg
Plantar flexion
Bending the foot down toward the sole
Turning the palm downward
Radial deviation
Bending the wrist toward the thumb
Ulnar deviation
Bending the wrist away from the thumb
To enlarge or expand
To make narrower or smaller
Bluish color to the skin due to a lack of oxygen in the blood
Sitz bath
A type of bath in which only the genital and anal areas are soaked
A fluid injected into the rectum and lower colon that empties the bowel
Rectal tube
A tube placed in the rectum to relieve flatus pressure in a patient’s lower bowel
Flatus bag
A bag connected to the rectal tube for the purpose of containing flatus or feces removed from the rectum
Rectal suppository
A small waxy pellet that’s inserted into the rectum to provide lubrication or medication
Before surgery
After surgery
General anesthetic
A drug that blocks the reception of pain in the brain, causing loss of feeling in the entire body and unconsciousness
Local anesthetic
A drug that blocks reception of pain only in the area to be operated on
To inhale foreign material (such as vomit) into the lungs
A solution introduced into a vein, such as by an IV
A device that holds a surgical dressing in place and helps support weakened body part
Subacute care
Provided in a facility for patients who are well enough to be discharged from the hospital, but who still require complex care that can’t be provided at home
A MD experienced in geriatrics, physical medicine, and rehab
Invasive equipment
An object that’s put into the body, such as into a vein, into the skin, or into a body opening such as mouth or nose
Noninvasive equipment
An object that doesn’t require placement into the body
Having the skill to handle equipment and patients carefully and correctly
Referring to the problems, diseases, and care of the elderly
Confused; unable to remember or recognize people, places, times, or situations
A general term given to symptoms associated with the chronic, organic decline of mental ability
Alzheimer’s disease
The most common form of dementia, in which nerve cells in the brain degenerate, causing a progressive loss of mental function
An event or change in a person’s external or internal environment that causes a response in the mind or body
A behavior commonly associated with dementia, in which a person exhibits increased confusion and restlessness in the late afternoon, evening, or night
Reality orientation
The use of techniques that help patients with cognitive impairments remain attuned to their environment, to time, and to themselves
Validation therapy
The use of techniques that help patients with cognitive impairments feel dignity and worth by having their feelings and memories ackowledged
Talking about past experiences, especially pleasant ones
Terminal illness
An illness or injury from which a patient is not likely to recover
To revive or bring back to life
Advance directive
A patient’s prewritten instructions regarding life-prolonging measures, such as resuscitation and the use of feeding tubes
Hospice care
A special program designed to provide supportive care for terminally ill individuals and their families
Rigor mortis
The stiffening of a person’s body and limbs that occur after death
Postmortem care
The care of a patient’s body after death
A temporary holding area for bodies until they are claimed for burial