Chapters 1, 2, 3- Important People Flashcards
Sociological imagination Personal troubles Social issues Quality of mind Cheerful robots
C.W. Mills
Macrosociology Conflict theory Base Superstructure Forces and relations of production Social class Class conflict Proletariat, bourgeoise Alienation Ideology Exploitation
Karl Marx
Macrosociology Functionalism Collective conscience Social facts Suicide analysis Anomie Mechanical solidarity Organic solidarity
Emile Durkheim
Symbolic interactionism
Max Weber
Symbolic interactionism
We become ourselves through social interaction
‘I’ and ‘Me’
George Herbert Mead
Microsociology Symbolic interactionism People define themselves by how others view them Sympathetic introspection Looking-glass-self Self-fulfilling prophecy
Charles Horton Cooley
Meaning, language, thought
Herbert Blumer
Survival of the fittest
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
Functionalism Social action theory Behaviours Actions AGIL Tension and pattern maintenance
Talcott Parsons
Symbolic interactionism
Formal sociology
George Simmel
Natural state (brutal)
Individuals are the basic building blocks of society
Gov’t role to preserve individual self-interest and protect from others
Political revolution
Thomas Hobbes
God responsible for emergence of government–secure private property
“Blank slate”
Private property
Advocacy of individual freedom and autonomy
Enlightenment thinker
John Locke
People were defined and created by society We never existed without society Ideal types Laws define the spirit of the people Appreciation of cultural diversity
Charles de Montesquieu
Social contract Entered into social contract s free and equal individual Belief in the autonomy of the individual Two types of inequality Enlightenment thinker
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Techniques used in the hard sciences should be applied to the physical world
Law of three stages
Scientific revolution
Father of sociology
Auguste Comte
Political revolution
Renaissance thinker
“The Prince”
Human behaviour motivated by self-interest
Niccolo Machiavelli
Politcal revolution
Renaissance thinker
“I think, therefore I am”
Masters of our own destiny
Rene Descartes
Dramaturgical analysis
Erving Goffman
Western Marxism
Antonio Gramsci
Second-wave feminism
Relations of ruling
Dorothy Smith
Third-wave feminism
bell hooks
Post-structuralist theory
Power, knowledge, discourse
Discipline, surveillance
Michel Foucault
Post-colonial theory
Edward Said
Critical race theory
Charles Lawrence
Mari Matsuda
Richard Delgado
Kimberle Crenshaw
Globalization Time-space distanciation Disembedding mechanism Symbolic token Expert systems
Anthony Giddens
Contributions by women
Mary Wollstonecraft
Harriet Martineau
Anne Marion MacLean
Contributions by visible minorities
Anna Julia Cooper
Ida Well-Barnett
Contributions by visible minorities
Double consciousness
W.E.B DuBois
Contributions by non-western scholars
Frantz Fanon
C.L.R James
George Padre
Kwame Nkrumah