Chapter 7- Lecture Flashcards
What is mass communication?
The transmission of messages by a person or group through a device to a large audience
What is mass media/
Any medium designed to communicate messages to a mass audience.
What was the earliest form of mass media?
Prehistoric cave art
What is important to note about cuneiform, hieroglyphics, and the alphabet?
phonetics (earliest sounds
-we still teach our children sounds
What led to the expansion of communication and rapid rise in literacy?
Bloc printing to movable type
What has changed how we create and put out our identities?
the internet
Give a few examples of mass media through time.
- Prehistoric cave art
- cuneiform, hieroglyphics, and the alphabet
- block printing to movable type
- newspapers
- the telegraph
- the phonograph
- moving pictures
- radio
- television
- the internet
What are some examples of mass media today?
- satellite television and radio
- cellphones
- text messaging
- blogs
- wikis
- youtube
- social networking sites
Have our forms of mass media today enhanced or hindered our society? What are some examples of how we have regressed?
- comments on social media
- pursue a persona on social media (reconstruct you identity0
What is Harold Innis’ key insight?
Every society needs to transcend what he called the problems of space and time
What is Innis’ time-biased media?
are media that have longevity but whose form prevents their transmission over physical distance (cave art, hieroglyphics)
- static–it is where it is
- link from one generation to the next
What is Innis’ space base media?
can coney messages readily over physical distance (ex. the census)
What is our understanding confined by acc. to Innis? What is an example of this?
By our own culture’s bias towards specific forms of media
-Ex. not all societies are fascinated with social media
What is Marshall McLuhan’s key insight?
Be vigilant with the media we have
What does McLuhan believe media influences?
the was in which individuals, comities, and cultures perceive and understand their environment
McLuhan: Make___what was___
- visible
- invisible
What does Marshal McLuhan believe? (important phrase)
“The medium is the message”
What does McLuhan believe when he says that “the medium is the message”?
- Each medium influences the mind; not just the message that is important, but al so the manner in which it is conveyed
- Look beyond simple message to the social influence of the medium itself
What did McLuhan believe we had to look ahead and determine?
Learn to try and anticipate things that can go right and wrong with forms of media
What are some examples of unanticipated consequences of media?
- televison became a default babysitter
- our society is becoming fatter every day
- breaking up by txt
- we are becoming more docile
- created by technology
- affecting our civility
What are the 3 Canadian content guidelines (CanCon)?
- Provide a wide range of programming that reflect Canadian attitudes, opinions, ideas, values, and artistic creativity
- Display Canadian taken in entertainment programming
- Offer information and analysis concerning Canada and other countries from a Canadian point of view
What are we trying to protect with CanCon?
Canadian values (universal healthcare, tolerance, acceptance, multiculturalism, equality, freedom, etc.)
In whose interests does removing CBC serve?
- competitors
- open market
What is the CanCon debate?
Some argue that CanCon regulations are unreasonable and intrusive with respect to consumers
What are the two arguments made against CanCon?
- ensures ‘mediocrity’ (CBC not well done, boring)
- overplay of popular music or programs to meet quotas
Do we need to protect CBC (think in terms of values and immigration)?
- Value it as it promotes Canadian values
- Is filtering who comes in (in terms of immigration) protecting Canadian values?
What will we lose if CBC disappears?
- Where will we go for news
- Internet?
Why doesn’t the CanCon debate resonate with young people?
- We don’t watch it
- Different demographic
Functionalism and mass media: what are the 4 functions?
1) Socialization function
2) Surveillance function
3) Correlation function
4) Entertainment function
What is the socialization function?
Achieved by mass media
- values, beliefs, traditions transmitted from one generation to the next
- socialized through mass media to keep us Canadian
- CBC is part of the social structure; keeps us Canadian
What is the surveillance function
Understood as the need for society to have a mechanism in place that gathers info for the population
- social news
- surveys society and gives us info
What is the correlation function?
present difficult and complex issues in a way that most people can understand
What may be a potential problem with the correlation function?
- does mass media water it down or is it too complex?
- dumber or smarter society?
- do ou filter most of it out?
- are we in an age of misinformation?
What is the entertainment function?
allows people to rest, relax, and escape daily pressures (distracts from important events?)
What could be a problem with the entertainment function?
- why do we feel entitled to use technology when we shouldn’t?
- medium rather than the message
- lost without our phone
Without technology, doe sit create a separate sort of technology for the haves and have nots?
-lose capacity to participate with others who have technology
What do conflict theorists believe about mass media?
Mass media are vehicles used by the rich and powerful to control the masses and to reinforce their false consciousness
What does mass media reflect (conflict theory)?
reflects the dominant class’ ideology (content/language?
What does mass media promote (conflict theory)?
corporate interests
What model is a part of conflict theory and mass media? Describe briefly?
- propaganda model
- influence the majority of the population
- do you need an iPhone 7 if your 6 is fine?
- led to do certain things because no smart phone represents you as a person who has less
Symbolic interactionism and mass media?
Explore how media influence our perceptions the social world?
E-audience (symbolic interactionism)?
Those who use electronic communication technologies
What do symbolic interactionists question/believe?
-How our perception of our social world is influenced by media
-how do you create meaning and value through media
0media helps us create our identities
What do symbolic interactionists want to know about media?
-what does mass media mean to you?
What does feminist theory highlight about mass media?
highlights the use of images of woemn
What does Gaye Tuchman believe (feminist theory)?
“symboli annihilation of women”
- injustice
- vulnerabilities
- we need more emphasis on females
What does feminist theory critique?
- media portrayals of women
- issues surrounding pornography
What does Jean Baudrillard (post structuralism) believe?
Postmodern societies focus on simulation and the creation and interplay of images and signs
What is simulation acc. to Baudrillard (post structuralism)?
Media create what we see a real through reinforcement of certain images and signs
What is an example of simulation with media?
Sex and the City (illusion–women doing what they think men do, sexual freedom, but they fail)
What kind of world does media create acc. to post structuralism? What does this mean?
media creates a simulated world
- aspire to live a life that is not quite real
- reality T.V.
- Big Brother, Bachelor/Bachelorette
What is hyperreal acc. to Baudrillard (post structuralism)?
Defining experience based on a perception of the world that’s been simulated and constructed by the media
What is the homogenization of culture?
- cultural diversity will decline
- culture less complex anymore alike
What is internet addiction?
Heavy internet users can suffer withdrawal when without access, leads to isolation, poor achievement, depression, fatigue
What is internet pornography in terms of boundaries?
moral boundaries broaden, falling away
What is increased mobility and access to information?
Greater ability to move wherever they like and remain connected
Democratic potential?
Media technologies are enabling people to capture and post images to the internet that could challenge existing power structures and lead to progressive social change
What is the potential to build online communities?
Wikis, blogs and podcasts, etc. have potential to bring people together
- remain oblivious without them
- access to all kinds of people
What is the downside of online communities?
These communities and i.e. off very quickly without face to face contact
What are the 6 parts of the future of mass media?
1) Homogenization of culture
2) Internet addiction
3) Internet pornography
4) Increased mobility and access to information
5) democratic potential
6) potential to build online communities
What is the downside to increased mobility and access to information?
Losing our face to face reality
What does democratic potential enable us to do?
Enable us to post images to change the world