Chapters 1 & 2 Flashcards
Which leading causes of death today have poor diet as a risk factor?
Heart disease Stroke Diabetes Some cancers 
What may be a diagnostic clue of overt deficiency or toxicity?
Overt clinical signs such as anatomical lesions
What may be a diagnostic clue of biochemical abnormalities?
Non-observable signs such as impaired immune function, impaired healing, changes in cell function and changes in enzyme action
What may be a diagnostic clue of gradual changes in tissue saturation?
Changes in blood and tissue levels
What may be a diagnostic clue of inappropriate nutrient intake
Diet history and evaluation
What is the role of a dental hygienist in patient nutrition
To identify harmful dietary habits that may cause oral disease
To promote health and wellness
To identify patients needing the help of a registered dietitian for more complex nutrition needs
What is nutrition?
Process by which living things use food to obtain nutrients for energy, growth, and maintenance
Science of how the body uses food for growth, development, repair and maintenance
What are nutrients? 
 biochemical substances that can be supplied only in adequate amounts from an outside source, usually from food
Substance that provides nourishment to the body for growth and/or metabolism.
There are more than 50 known nutrients
What is nutritional status?
 condition of health as it relates to food and nutrient intake, absorption, and utilization
Important factor in immunity and resistance to oral infection
What is diet?
Pattern of food intake, eating habits and pains and amounts of foods eaten
Can be affected by ethnic background, tradition, religion, lifestyle, personal attitudes, health condition etc.

What are some dental and health risks associated with diet?
 major risk factor for dental caries development
Can affect general health in terms of cardiovascular disease, diabetes. Diabetes can also affect the oral condition and intern affect diet choices
What is an example of a food which only contains one nutrient?
Table sugar
What is Malnutrition?
Impaired health related to nutritional status. Can we do to nutrient or caloric deficiency, excess or imbalance
Caused by problems with food intake, absorption, utilization or excretion
What may be a visible predictor of malnutrition in adult patients?
Loss of teeth
Oral impairment such as ill fitting dentures or oral cancer can also affect the ability and desire to eat and subsequent nutritional status
What is over nutrition?
 excess of calories or essential nutrients above the known requirements for health
What is under nutrition?
 deficiency of calories or essential nutrients below the known requirements for health
What are functional Foods?
A food where a new ingredient or more of an existing ingredient has been added to give the product a new function.
Usually a function related to health promotion or disease prevention
What are phytochemicals?
Non-nutritive bioactive plant substance, such as a flavonoid or carotenoid, considered to have a beneficial effect on human health. Also called Fido nutrients
What are probiotics?
 beneficial bacterium found in the intestinal tract of healthy mammals.
Yogurt with probiotics can also be considered a functional food
What is the basis of good nutrition?
 Essential function of nutrients
Provide energy sources for body work
Maintain a constant internal environment
Provide structural components for growth and development of body tissues
Regulate metabolic processes
Describe the essential nutrients
Necessary for body function
Not synthesized by the body
Must be provided in the diet
Disease is associated with deficiency. There are 45 essential nutrients

Components of food
Water, fiber, phytochemicals, essential nutrients, nonessential nutrients
Six classifications of nutrients
Carbohydrates Protein Fat Vitamins Minerals Water
What are fortified foods?
Foods that are fortified with vitamins, minerals and “functional“ components such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber etc.
Beneficial in addressing population nutritional deficiencies
What are phytochemicals/Phytonutrients?
Biologically active compounds they give plants color, odor, flavor and defense systems but are not considered essential to life
What are antioxidants?
Compounds that protect cells from excessive oxidation
Reduce free radicals in the body
Vitamin C and E, beta carotene, copper copper manganese and selenium

What are the main probiotics and what are they used for?
 lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacterium
Administered to improve digestion, immunity and improve general health