chapter3 Flashcards
has lenses that direct the light through the specimen
objective lenses
lenses closest to the specimen
total magnification
objective lens magnification x ocular lens magnification
(resolving power) ability of the lenses to distinguish fine detail and structure
refractive index
light bending ability of a medium
dark field illumination
light objects visible against a dark background
light reflected off the specimen enters the objective lens
phase contrast microscopy
accentuates diffraction of light that passes through a specimen
condenses scattered and non scattered light
good way to see internal structures
differential interference contrast microscopy
uses two beams of light seperated by prisms
florescence microscopy
uses UV light. florescent substances absorb UV (short wavelength) light and emit visible light (long wavelength)
specimens can be stained with fluorochromes
used mainly for florescent antibody technique
confocal microscopy
uses a single photon to illuminate one place of a specimen at a time to produce a 3D image with a computer
can monitor distribution and concentrations of ATP and calcium ions
two photon microscopy
Uses two photons to illuminate a specimen
scanning acoustic microscopy
uses a sound wave that travels through the specimen with a portion being reflected
transmission electron microscopy
uses a beam of electrons that pass through the specimen. can examine smaller 0.2 um
scanning electron microscopy
uses a beam of electrons and produces a 3D image. greater resolution that light
scanning tunneling microscopy
uses a thin metal probe that scans a specimen and produces an image revealing the bumps and depressions of the atoms on the surface