chapter2 part2 Flashcards
Compare upwelling and down welling
- Down welling is the opposite of upwelling
- Areas of down welling are smaller than areas of up welling
Areas of down welling:
- the coastal waters of Antarctica (basically, the Weddell Sea) and
- the North Atlantic (predominately off the Greenland coast)
Mechanisms of down welling
differ from each other in different regions
Cause of formation of high density water
(vicinity of Greenland/its rate of down welling is 5 million m3/s)
- passage of cold dry continental air over the ocean
- high salinity of water transferred by the gulf steam and its extensions (Irminger, Norway, and West Spitsbergen currents)
Cause of increase in specific gravity and fast down welling
- quick evaporation
- cooling of already dense (by virtue of high salinity) water
Cause of high density in Antarctic down welling:
- formation in winter in SH
the release of salts dissolved in the seawater when it is frozen and turns into ice –> The water below the ice proves to be “overloaded” with salts to the extent that it begins to gravitate to the bottom
In the Weddell Sea, about
25 million m3 of water with salinity of 34.68% and temperatures less than 0C—that is, approximately 5 times more than in the Arctic down welling—sinks to the bottom.
Third mechanism of forming dense water:
- displacement of cold and warm water masses
- down willing intensity is low because the water in those zones has an intermediate density
Third mechanism of forming dense water Exist in:
- zones of interaction between:
- kuroshii and Oyashio currents in the Pacific Ocean
- Labrador current and the gulf stream in North Atlantic
The fourth mechanism of forming dense water
- Occur under conditions of water-induced surges

Impact of upwelling and down willing on human activity:
- Fisheries
- Recreational activities
They play a major
- ecological role
- climate forcing role
Importance of upwelling for fisheries
- although upwelling areas are small they provide a lot of fish that we harvest
- recreational activities: abrupt drop in water temperature on costal zones

Most productive upwelling zones:
- off the shores of
- Peru,
- Bengal (India), and
- the Canary Islands.
Give an example of short lived wind induced upwelling:
- arise in the black sea and decrease water temperature by 3 to 5 degrees C
- in 2004, periodical upwelling (5-6days)
- caused:
water temperature to drop at the black sea health resorts to 13-14 degrees C - resulted in:
ruining the swimming season
- caused:
The biological role of upwelling is great. The bottom waters are rich in such
biogenic elements as nitrogen and phosphorus
The biological role of upwelling is great. The bottom waters are rich in such biogenic elements as nitrogen and phosphorus. Their availability there is caused by
destruction of submerged organic matter (generally, defunct plankton)
The biological role of upwelling is great. The bottom waters are rich in such biogenic elements as nitrogen and phosphorus. Their availability there is caused by destruction of submerged organic matter (generally, defunct plankton). When the bottom waters float to the surface
phytoplankton begin to actively consume the biogenes.
When the bottom waters float to the surface, phytoplankton begin to actively consume the biogenes. The high values of primary productivity continue to be observable at the higher levels of the food chain
(phytoplankton → zooplankton → filter-feeding organisms → fishes → marine mammals and birds).
The high values of primary productivity continue to be observable at the higher levels of the food chain (phytoplankton → zooplankton → filter-feeding organisms → fishes → marine mammals and birds). For example,
in the vicinity of the Peruvian upwelling, the fish capacity is 100 times higher than that in the adjoining areas of the ocean. Here, about 20% of the world fishery catch is produced.
Depending on particular conditions, the manifestations of upwelling can be
Depending on particular conditions, the manifestations of upwelling can be diverse, but, in any case, the effect of upwelling on biological productivity is excellent. Eventually,
agglomerations of organic matter at the bottom, covered with layers of deposits, can change into oil. Therefore, one can talk, to some extent, of the influence of upwelling on the oil extracting industry.
Upwelling is of essential importance to
Upwelling is of essential importance to climate. When temperatures at the water surface are low, the air layer
contiguous to it is also cooled
Upwelling is of essential importance to climate. When temperatures at the water surface are low, the air layer contiguous to it is also cooled. Therefore, with increases in altitude, ……………………………..
air temperatures increase rather than decrease
Upwelling is of essential importance to climate. When temperatures at the water surface are low, the air layer contiguous to it is also cooled. Therefore, with increases in altitude, air temperatures increase rather than decrease, as is usual; that is,
stable temperature inversions are characteristic of upwelling zones
Therefore, with increases in altitude, air temperatures increase rather than decrease, as is usual; that is, stable temperature inversions are characteristic of upwelling zones. These inversions
prevent the penetration of moist marine air at higher altitudes and inland.
Therefore, with increases in altitude, air temperatures increase rather than decrease, as is usual; that is, stable temperature inversions are characteristic of upwelling zones. These inversions prevent the penetration of moist marine air at higher altitudes and inland. The inversions also limit
vertical cloud formation; therefore, all deposits of moisture concentrate within a thin surface layer, resulting in the frequent formation of fogs.
The inversions also limit vertical cloud formation; therefore, all deposits of moisture concentrate within a thin surface layer, resulting in the frequent formation of fogs. Fogs are particularly noted in the
near-shore zone of Sakhalin Island (North of Japan).
In areas of intensive upwelling, precipitation is
lacking during much of the year.
In areas of intensive upwelling, precipitation is lacking during much of the year. Consequently, the narrow coastal belts in such areas are
distinguished by their arid climate
In areas of intensive upwelling, precipitation is lacking during much of the year. Consequently, the narrow coastal belts in such areas are distinguished by their arid climate. A striking example of this is provided by the
Pacific coasts of Peru and Chile
Where there is an alternation of upwelling and downwelling, water surface temperatures are, on average, lower than those in other areas. The climatic effects of such zones are similar, although they are not particularly noticeable.
Downwelling allows for
deep ocean ventilation to occur because these waters are able to bring dissolved oxygen down from the surface to help facilitate aerobic respiration in organisms throughout the water column.
Downwelling allows for deep ocean ventilation to occur because these waters are able to bring dissolved oxygen down from the surface to help facilitate aerobic respiration in organisms throughout the water column. Without this renewal, the
dissolved oxygen in the sediment and within the water column would be quickly used up by biological processes.
Without this renewal, the dissolved oxygen in the sediment and within the water column would be quickly used up by biological processes. In the instance of decay,
anaerobic bacteria would take over decomposition, leading to a build-up of hydrogen sulfide.
. Without this renewal, the dissolved oxygen in the sediment and within the water column would be quickly used up by biological processes. In the instance of decay, anaerobic bacteria would take over decomposition, leading to a build-up of hydrogen sulfide. In these toxic conditions, there are
very few benthic animals that would survive
In these toxic conditions, there are very few benthic animals that would survive. In the most extreme cases, a lack of downwelling could possibly lead to
mass extinction
Paleontologists have suggested that 250 million years ago,
deep ocean ventilation slowed nearly to a halt, and the ocean became stagnant.
……………………………………… filled the deep ocean and progressed onto the continental shelves
. Low oxygen, sulfide and methane-rich waters
Low oxygen, sulfide and methane-rich waters filled the deep ocean and progressed onto
the continental shelves, wiping out 95% of all marine species in the greatest extinction event in Earth history, the Permian extinction
The thermocline
the transition layer between the mixed layer at the surface and the deep water layer. The definitions of these layers are based on temperature.
The mixed layer is near
the surface where the temperature is roughly that of surface water
In the thermocline, the temperature
decreases rapidly from the mixed layer temperature to the much colder deep water temperature.
The mixed layer and the deep water layer are
relatively uniform in temperature, while the thermocline represents the transition zone between the two.
a thin but distinct layer in a large body of fluid (e.g. water, such as an ocean or lake, or air, such as an atmosphere), in which temperature changes more rapidly with depth than it does in the layers above or below
In the ocean, the thermocline may be thought of as
an invisible blanket which separates the upper mixed layer from the calm deep water below.
………………………………………… , thermoclines may be a semi-permanent feature of the body of water in which they occur, or they may form ………………………………
Depending largely on season, latitude and turbulent mixing by wind
temporarily in response to phenomena such as the radiative heating/cooling of surface water during the day/night
Factors that affect the depth and thickness of a thermocline include
seasonal weather variations, latitude, and local environmental conditions, such as tides and currents.
In general the sea water temperature decreases from
the surface to the deepest levels, except in high latitudes (polar and sub-polar oceans)where the configuration can be more complex.
Depending on the ……………………., the thermocline depth ranges from about
geographical location
50m to 1000m
In the tropics, the thermocline can be
quite shallow on average, as in the Eastern Pacific (50m), or deeper as in the western part (160-200m).
In extra-tropical regions a permanent (or main) thermocline is found between
200m and 1000m
However the thermocline depth varies
However the thermocline depth varies seasonally, especially in
the mid-latitude regions where a secondary and much shallower thermocline (above 50m) occurs in summer
In high latitudes, a thermocline may appear only
thermocline may appear only seasonally. Thermocline can also vary from
one year to the next, as in the tropical Pacific where thermocline vertical displacements play a fundamental role during ENSO.
In many situations, the thermocline can be identified when
the vertical contrasts of salinity are small.
A deeper thermocline (often observed during
El Niño years)
A deeper thermocline (often observed during El Niño years) limits
the amount of nutrients brought to shallower depths by upwelling processes, greatly impacting the year’s fish crop.
During an El Niño event, the
southeast trade winds weaken and so does the amount upwelling in the eastern Pacific.
The deeper thermocline means that
any upwelling that does occur is unable to tap into the rich nutrients found in deeper waters. Consequently, warm nutrient-poor water predominate the region and a decrease in the fish population is observed.