Chapter14 Flashcards
What are the components of the CNS?
-Brain and spinal Cords
What are the components of the PNS?
- Cranial and spinal Nerves
- Sensory neurons
- Neuromuscular junctions
What are some characteristics of the Brain?
- Communication and control center of the body
- Receives, processes, evaluates inputs
- decides which action to be taken
- Initiates Response
Dura mater (Meninges)
- Outer Layer (Closest to the bone)
- Subdural space (Under the Dura mater)
Arachnoid (Meninges)
- Middle layer (spider web shaped layer)
- Subarachnoid space contains cerebrospinal fluid
- mixed with blood and CSF to supply to the brain
Pia Mater (Meninges)
- Adheres to the surface of the brain
- contains a large number of blood vessels
What are the characteristics of CSF?
- Provides cushion for the brain and spinal cord
- Flows through ventricles into subarachnoid space
- Formed constantly by choroid plexuses of the ventricles
- Equals amounts of CSF need to be produced and reabsorbed to maintain intracranial pressure
- 25 mL in the ventriclels
- 150 mL overall
What level the vertebrae ends?
What level of the vertebrae do they apply spinal tap shots?
What is the Blood-brain barrier?
- Limits passage of materials of the brain
- Controls balance of electrolytes, glucose, and proteins in the brain
- Lipid soluble substances can easily pass
What is the blood-CSF barrier?
- located at the choroid plexus
- controls constituents of CSF
What is prefrontal Cortex?
Coordinates complex cognitive behavior
What is basal Nuclei?
- Part of the extrapyramidal system
- control and coordination of skeletal muscle
What is the limbic system?
consists of many nuclei and connecting fibers
-responsible for emotional reactions or feelings
what is the Diencephalon?
- Central portions of the brain
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
What is the hypothalamus?
- Key role in maintain homeostasis of the body
- control ANS and much of the endocrine system
What is the Brainstem?
- Connecting link to spinal cord
- contains the pons:bundle of afferent and efferent fibers
- contains medulla oblongata
What is the Medulla oblongata?
control center for respiratory and cardiovascular function
- coordination of cough refle, swallowing, vomiting
- nuclei for several cranial nerves
- Reticular formation, reticular activating system (RAS)
What is the Cerebellum?
Dorsal to pons and medulla
-contains half of the neurons
What are the common vessels that are effected by strokes?
-Common carotid arteries.
What is the blood supplies to the brain?
-Internal carotid and vertbral artieries
-anterior cerebral artery
middle cerebral artery
-Basilar artery
what lobe does the anterior cerebral artery supply?
supplies frontal lobe
what lobe does the middle cerebral artery supply
supplies the lateral lobes
What does the basil artery supply?
the Brainstem and cerebellum
What are Neurons?
-Non-mitotic cells, non-dividing
-Conduct impulses thourgh CNS and PNS
Requries glucose and oxygen
What is Glial Cells?
Supportive cells
-Read slide 34
What are Schwann cells?
-Provide myelin sheaths for Axons in the PNS