chapter three (consciousness) Flashcards
the moment to moment awareness of ourslves and our surrondings
your experience of reality (subject/private)
changing stream of mental activity
awareness of our own self
freuds model of consciousness
consious-mental events we are currently aware of (reading rn)
preconsious- outside of current awareness and easy recalled
unconcsious - not brough inro consious awareness under orindy circumstance (tramua)
controlled conginitive unconsious
voluntary use of attention, consious effort
diffcult/new tasks
slower bur more flexiable than automtic
automatic cognitive unconscious thought
little to no consious processing
routine, weel learned tasks
fast but can inhibit finding new solutions
facilicates ‘divided attetnion’
biological rhythms
waves of physiological fluctuation
body fluctuations controlled by our internal ‘biological drive’
circadian rhythms
24 hour cycle of biological activity
brain and enironment
cicadian rhythms regulated by suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)
SCN neurons link to pineal gland, which secretes melation
SCN are active during the day and inhibits melation anf raises body temp/awareness
SCN are inactive at night and alloweds melation and causes relexation and sleepiness
sleep stages
stage 1,2,3 and REM
each stage has distinictive brain waves
cycle through 4 stages every 90 minutes
alpha waves
slow brain waves
awake but relaxed/drowsy
stage 1 sleep
theta waves (slow and irregular )
light sleep (lasts 5 minutes )
heart rate/breathing slow
sudden body jerks and hallucinations
stage 2 sleep
deeper sleep (lasts 20 minutes)
clearly asleep/ more relaxed
sleep spindles (bursts of rapid brain activity)
sleep talking
stage 3 sleep
sleep deepness
hard to awaken (lasts about 30-40 minutes)
heartrate/breathing slow
appearance of delta waves(slow)
sleepwalking can occur
rem/stage 4 sleep
rapid eye movements
lots of brain activity heart/breathing rapid
body essentially paralyzed
paradoxical sleep
REM rebound
sleep deprivation
sleep debt
lack enegry/feel tired
cant concentrate
make mistakes/cause accidents
bad mood
suppressed immune system
chronic diffuclty falling asleep
most common
multiple cases
treatment=drugs/stimulis control
copmlain of insomina(but sleeo normal )
individuals truely believe they have insomina
research in sleep labs show most sleep normally
extreme daytime tiredness
sudden, uncontrollable attacks
cataokexy(loss of muscle tone)
cause unknown
REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD)
loss of muscle tone
sleeper act out dreams
injure themslves/partner
sleep apnea
about 1-5% of population
repeated cycle in which breathing stops/restatrts
lasts 20-40 secs
serve cases (400-500 times a night)
common cause (obstruction of airway)
sleep walking
stage 3 sleep
more common in children
cause (heredity,stress,meds)
myth (waking a sleepwalker in dangerous)
night terrors
frightening dreams (near panic)
sleepers may flee room
most common in children
why we dream (freuds psychanlytic)
wish fulfillment
gratification of desire (agression/lust)
manifest content
surface story of dream
what happened in it
latent content
disguised psychological meaninv
activation-synthesis theroy
activation = random neutral actvity
synthesis= brrain making sense
dreams serve no purpose
by product neutral activity
brain synthesizes ‘best fit’ story
congitivite approach of dreams
probelming solving
help us find solutions to person problems
cognitive process
dream/waking thououghts produced by same systems
physical dependence
need for a drug
psychological depedence
emotional need
supress cns activity
gaba agonist
increase cns activity
dompine agonist
stimulating effects
analgesic propertiese (reduce pain)
mimics natural opiods
suprachisamatic nucleus
rem rebound
REM rebound is the lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement sleep which occurs after periods of sleep deprivation