chapter eight (memory) Flashcards
processes that allow us to record and retrieve information/experiences
memory as information processing three processes
encoding- translating into neutral code
storage- retained over time
retrieval- pulled back out
- external events
- sensory memory
- short term memory
- long-term memory
three stage model of memory
- sensory memory
- working(short term) memory
- long-term memory
separate and interacting components
tempory and long lasting
does not correspond to specific brain structures
sesnory memory
first stage of memory
all sensory input
visual(iconic) or audiotory (echoic)
short lasting: held for very brief amount of timiei
working and short term memory
what you are currently thinking
viscual encoding (mental image)
phonological encoding (sounds)
semantic encoding (meaning)
liimited duration
limited capaity( 1-7 items)
chunking increases capacity
organizing items into familaar units
often occurs automatically
acronyms (bedmas)
long-term memory
durable stored memories
storage capacity unlimited
ltm can endure for a lifetime
types long term memory
declarative (can be verbalized- factual knowledge)
episodic(personal experience)
semantic (general factual knowledge)
procdedural (non delarative memory)
reflected in skills and actions
some classically conditioned responses
explicit memory
consciencous or intentional memory retrieval
implicit memory
memory influences behvaiour but…
no conscious awareness
seen in priming tasks
deep processing
encoding meaning (deep processing)
memory of information is affected by how you store it (semanitc vs acoustic)
self-reference effect
we recall information best when can relate it to ourselves
encoding specificity
we learn information together with its context
match encoding and retrieval conditions
strategies for studying
maintaince rehearsal
reading chpaters and reviewing class notes
elaborative rehearsal
deep level of processing
cue cards for key terms
answer online questions (provide feedback)
make your own questions and answer
self reference effect
contect-dependent learning
match encoding (study) and retrieval (test) condition
location (where you study)
mix it up
mnemoinic devices
memory aids (make information unquiely organized)
distrubuted practice effect
short (45 minute) study session
reduces interference
dual coidng theory
easier with concrete object (movies
more diffcult with abstract concepts (jealously)
forgetting why do we forget?
encoding failure
lack of attention
lack of deep processing
eg. failure to encode details that are nor important
inference theory
proactive inference
past material interferes with recall of newer
retroactive inference
new informatioin interferes with abilty to recall old inofrmation
decay of memory trace
long term physical tace in nervous system fades over time
motivated forgetting
based on freudian concepts
eg. repression of anxiety-arousing memories
diffcult to verify
memory loss for events before amnesia
memory loss for events after amnesia
alzheimer’s disease
sereve retrograde/anterograde amnesia
infantile amnesion
memory loss for early childhood experiences
typically for events before ages ¾