Chapter One (Bushong) "penguins," and Powerpoint Flashcards
Is the ability to do work.
Is the quantity of matter as described by its energy equivalence.
Is the transfer of energy
Is the removal of an electron from an atom.
To provide an x-Ray beam that is satisfactory for imaging,
You must supply the x-Ray tube with a high voltage and an electric current.
Radiology emerged as a medial speciality because of
The Snook transformer and the Coolidge x-Ray tube.
Because of effective radiation protection practices,
Radiology is now considered a safe occupation.
As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
The second:
Is based on the vibration of atoms of cesium.
The same system of units must always be used when:
One is working on problems or reporting answers.
The velocity of light is constant and is symbolized by:
c: c = 3 x 10^8 m/s.
Newton’s first law:
Inertia - a body will remain at rest or will continue to move with constant velocity in a straight line unless acted on by an external force.
Newton’s second law
Force - the force (F) that acts on an object is equal to the mass (m) of the object multiplied by the acceleration (a) produced.
Newton’s third law
Action/reaction - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Weight is the product of:
Mass and the acceleration of gravity on Earth: 1 lb = 4.5 N.
Momentum is the product of:
Mass and velocity.
Work is he product of:
Force and distance
Power is the quotient of
Energy is
The ability to do work.
Heat is:
The kinetic energy of the random motion of molecules.
The coulumb is:
The unit of radiation exposure or intensity.
The sievert (Sv) is:
The unit of occupational radiation exposure and effective dose.
The gray is:
The unit of Radiation Absorbed Dose (same as the rad).
The becquerel (Bq) is:
The unit of radioactivity.
The formula to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit is:
F= 9/5(C+32)
The formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celcius is:
C = 5/9(F-32)
The formula to convert Celcius to Kelvin is:
K = C + 273
The Roentgen =
Coulombs per kilogram (C/kg)
The rad =
The rem =
The curie =
Electromagnetic energy
energy traveling through space that deals with electric and magnetic properties. ( x-rays is one type of electromagnetic energy.)
True/False: Energy cannot be changed.
False. Energy and matter are interchangable. In radiology, energy is transformed from electrical (x-ray equipment0 to electromagnetic (x-ray) to chemical energy (to produce a film) or electric energy (to produce a signal for digital images.)
Explain how x-rays have a dual nature
They act like waves (they have wavelength and frequency) and particles (they are photons that act as bundles of energy.)