Chapter 1 and 2 worksheet Flashcards
Energy is defined as:
The ability to do work.
Which of the following examples best represents energy?
A snowman, a bouncing ball, anode mass, the metal plates in a battery, the terminals of a battery.
Bouncing ball.
In Einstein’s famous E=mc^2 equation, c stands for what?
The speed of light.
Radiation is:
Energy transferred.
The roentgen relates to which of the following?
Ions produced in the air.
Which of the following is an example of electromagnetic radiation?
Visible light.
X-rays are *most* like which of the following? Alpha rays Beta rays Diagnostic ultrasound Gamma rays Radio waves
Gamma rays
Which of the following is the larger source of human exposure to man-made radiation?
Cosmic rays
Medical diagnostic X-rays
nuclear power-generating stations
Radioactive fallout
Radioactive materials in consumer products
Medical diagnostic xrays
Which of the following results in the highest annual radiation dose? Cosmic rays Diagnostic X-rays Nuclear power Radiation from inside the earth
Radiation from inside the earth.
The rad is related most closely to which of the following? Dose equivalent Radiation exposure The gray The joule The sievert
The gray
Which of the following is ionizing electromagnetic radiation? Beta rays Gamma rays Microwaves Radio waves Ultrasound
Gamma rays
Which of the following is a unit of mass? Joule Kilogram mrad Pound Volt
What was the device with which Roentgen discovered X-rays?
Crookes tube
The phosphor that Roentgen used in early experiments with X-rays was which of the following?
Barium Platinocyanide
How are X-ray tube voltages measured?
Which of the following early pioneers developed the fluoroscope?
Thomas Edison
Which of the following is the type of X-ray tube that is used today?
Coolidge tube
The Bucky grid, which was introduced in 1921, does what?
Improves image contrast
What are the two simple, general types of X-ray imaging procedures?
Radiographic and fluoroscopic
Which of the following provides dynamic X-ray images?
Collimation and filtration do what?
Reduce patient dose
One of the cardinal principles of radiation protection states that the radiologic technologist should minimize which of the following? Distance kVp mAs Shielding Time
Which of the following will reduce personnel exposure the most?
Collimation of the X-ray beam
Filtration of the X-ray beam
Recording of fluoroscopy
A high kVp technique
Use of protective barriers for radiologic technologists
Use of protective barriers for radiologic technologists
After termination of an X-ray exposure:
No more X-rays are emitted.
During fluoroscopy, what should the radiologic technologist always do?
Wear protective apparel
Generally, X-ray examinations are reserved for which of the following? Asymptomatic patients Older patients Patients who are not pregnant Symptomatic patients xray personnel
Symptomatic patients
Which of the following is the principal reason to avoid repeat examination?
The cost of the procedure is doubled
The images may be confused
The patient is inconvenienced
The patient receives twice the radiation dose
The technologist’s workload is doubled
The patient receives twice the radiation dose.
The normal SID for an upright chest radiograph is 180cm. This is equivalent to:
A fluoroscopic examination is conducted at 1.5 A. This is equivalent to:
A radiographic exposure requires 400 ms. This is also:
Which of the following is a unit of energy? Gray Joule Newton Rad Sievert
The radiologic unit milliampere-second (mAs) is actually a measure of:
Number of electrons
A radiation monitoring report would express a radiologic technologist's does equivalent in which of the following? Curie Gray Rad Rem Roentgen