Chapter Five Flashcards
- How long can it take in minutes for an animal’s heart rate to return to normal after rough handling?
30 minutes.
- How do cattle select their food?
- Is an animal’s long-distance vision better or poorer than humans?
- Why can animals be reluctant to move into dark areas?
- Why is it important to ensure animals have enough feed space?
Animals will bully each other.
- What is meant by an animals ‘flight zone’?
An animals personal space.
- Give an example of animals in a farming setting with a small flight zone and animals with a larger flight zone.
Dairy cows small flight zone.
Beef and sheep large flight zone.
- When should we start to get animals used to humans?
At an early age. As soon as possible.
- Where is an animal’s blind spot?
Directly behind them.
- Where is an animals point of balance?
Between its neck and front legs.
- What is undesirable to be used when animals are being handled?
Sticks and shouting and kicking will cause stress.
- When moving animals should they be rushed?
Animals should be allowed to move at their own pace. Rushing will cause animals to panic.
- Should nervous/excitable animals be approached from the front? Explain.
They are better approached from side or at an angle as they will not gauge how close you are from an angle.
- What should a farmer watch out for at time of movement?
Check for abnormal behaviour, lameness, reluctance to move or isolation from the remainder of the herd.
- What can cause animals to be difficult to control in their lifetime?
Calves/young stock which are repeatedly stressed or mishandled by humans when young will be difficult to control and handle over lifetime.