Chapter Fifteen Flashcards
What are possible models for defining disorders?
- Mental disorder as a violation of cultural standards
- Mental disorder as maladaptive or harmful behaviour
- Mental disorder as emotional distress
What are problems in defining disorders?
Too much information used incorrectly by general population; self diagnosing or diagnosing of significant others.
What is a Mental Disorder?
Any behaviour or emotional state that causes an individual great suffering or worry, is self-defeating or self-destructive, or is maladaptive and disrupts the person’s relationships or the larger community.
What is a Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
A continuous state of anxiety marked by feelings of worry and dread, apprehension, difficulties in concentration, and signs of motor tension.
What is a Panic Disorder?
An anxiety disorder in which a person experiences recurring panic attacks, feelings of impending doom or death, accompanied by physiological symptoms such as rapid breathing and dizziness.
Define Major Depression.
A mood disorder involving disturbances in emotion (excessive sadness), behaviour (loss of interest in one’s usual activities), cognition (thoughts of hopelessness) and body function (fatigue and loss of appetite). Theres are genetic causes behind depression, as well as life experiences and circumstances.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
A mood disorder in which episodes of depression and mania (excessive euphoria) occur (previously called Manic-Depressive). Rapid mood swings.
What is a Personality Disorder?
Rigid, maladaptive patterns that cause personal distress or an inability to get along with others.
What is a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
A disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-absorption.
What is a Paranoid Personality Disorder?
A disorder characterized by habitually unreasonable and excessive suspiciousness and jealousy.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
A disorder characterized by intense but unstable relationships, a fear of abandonment by others, an unrealistic self-image, and emotional volatility.
What is Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)?
A disorder characterized by antisocial behaviour such as lying, stealing, manipulating others, and sometimes violence; and a lack of guilt, shame, and empathy. Sometimes called psychopathy or sociopathy. Occurs in 3% of all males and 1% of all females.
What are Symptoms of Schizophrenia?
Bizarre Delusions (removed form the inclusion criteria), hallucinations and heightened sensory awareness, disorganized, incoherent speech, and grossly disorganized and inappropriate behaviour.
How many people are affected by Schizophrenia?
1-5% of the population.
What are Delusions?
False beliefs that often accompany schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
What are Hallucinations?
Sensory experiences that occur in absence of actual stimulation.
What are Positive Symptoms (additions to normal behaviour) of Schizophrenia?
Cognitive, emotional, and behavioural excesses. Hallucinations, bizarre delusions, incoherent speech, inappropriate/disorganized behaviours.
What are Negative Symptoms (loss of normal behaviours) of Schizophrenia?
Cognitive, emotional, and behavioural deficits. Loss of motivation, emotional flatness (flat affect), social withdrawal, and slowed/no speech.
What are some theories of Schizophrenia?
Genetic predispositions
Structural brain abnormalities (decreased brain weight, decreased volume in temporal lobe/hippocrampus, enlargement of ventricles)
Neurotransmitter abnormalities (serotonin, glutamate, dopamine, high reactivity levels of dopamine)
Prenatal abnormalities (damage to fetal brain; maternal malnutrition, maternal illness, FASD, oxygen deprivation/brain injury)
Adolescent abnormalities in brain development (more synapses are pruned away)