Chapter 9: Transport in Plants Flashcards
Why is lignin essential to wall of xylem?
- Provides strength + support.
- Prevents vessel from collapsing by keeping it open.
- Transpiration produces a tension/negative pressure.
- Adhesion between water molecules and xylem wall.
- Limit lateral flow of water.
- Waterproofing.
- So cell dies/contents decay.
- To create a hollow tube/continuous column.
What is the symplast?
- Continuous cytoplasm of living plant cells connected by plasmodesmata.
What is the apoplast?
- Cell walls + intracellular spaces.
Explain route of water in apoplast pathway.
- Water moves through cellulose cell walls by cohesive forces between water molecules +as a result of the transpiration pull up the xylem.
- Moves into symplast pathway in endodermis due to the Casparian strip.
- Needs active pumping of ions into xylem followed by osmosis of water before water moves back into the apoplast.
Explain route of water in symplast pathway.
- Relies on osmosis as water moves through cell membranes and cytoplasm.
- Water moves into RHC from soil by osmosis, raising WP or this RHC compared to next cell along.
- Once again water moves to next RHC by osmosis.
- Active transport of ions needed to move water from endodermis into xylem by osmosis.
Define transpiration.
- Loss of water vapour from leaves by evaporation from mesophyll and diffusion through stomata.
Define transpiration stream.
- Movement of water molecules up xylem vessels from roots to leaves/air surrounding leaves.
Define transpiration pull.
- Pull of column of water molecules up xylem held by cohesive forces between water molecules as a result of evaporation from mesophyll + diffusion through stomata.
- Replace water lost in evaporation or diffusion out of stomata.
Explain the cohesion-tension theory.
- Water moves into xylem by osmosis down water vapour potential gradient.
- Root pressure at bottom of xylem.
- Water vapour loss/evaporation at top of plant/leaves –> lowers WP.
- Creates low HP at top of xylem.
- Water under tension –> column of water pulled up in a continuous stream –> replace water lost by evaporation.
- Cohesion between water molecules.
- Adhesion of water molecules to carbohydrates in vessel walls.
- Water exhibits capillary action.
- Water moves up xylem by mass flow from high HP to low HP.
Define translocation.
- The movements of the products of photosynthesis (assimilates) for where they are produced/stored (source) to where they are needed (sink).
Outline translocation via the apoplast route (active route).
- Phloem utilises companion cells + sieve tube elements.
- Companion cells actively pump H+ ions out of cell using ATP.
- H+ ions move back into companion cells down conc. gradient using a co-transport protein.
- Co-transport protein –> shuttles sucrose back into cell down conc. gradient via facilitated diffusion.
- From the companion cell, the assimilates move into the phloem by diffusion.
Outline translocation via the symplast route (mass flow).
- Sucrose in sieve tubes.
- Assimilates/Sucrose enters phloem/sieve tubes at source by diffusion through plasmodesmata –> lowering WP inside sieve tube.
- Water moves into phloem/sieve tube by osmosis –> increasing HP.
- Assimilates/sucrose leave phloem/sieve tubes at sink by diffusion through plasmodesmata –> increasing WP inside sieve tube.
- Water leaves phloem/sieve tube by osmosis down WP gradient –> decreasing HP.
- Assimilates move from high HP to low HP down pressure gradient.
Adaptations of companion cells for exchange?
- Infolding in cell membrane –> increase s.a. to vol ratio –> more rapid active transport + osmosis.
- Mitochondria –> provide ATP for active transport of H+ ions.
- Co-transport proteins.
- Ribosomes.
- Plasmodesmata.
What are the various adaptations of xerophytes to reduce water loss?
- Thick waxy cuticle –> reduce transpiration + relatively impermeable + waterproof.
- Sunken stomata –> microclimate of still, humid air that decreases water vapour potential gradient + traps warm, moist air –> reduce water loss by transpiration..
- Reduced no. of stomata –> less diffusion out of stomata + reduce transpiration.
- Curled leaves.
- Reduced no. of leaves –> reduce s.a. to vol. –> reduce water loss by transpiration.
- Hairy leaves.
- Avoiding the problem.
- Long widespread roots.
- More stomata on the lower surface of the plant.
- Leaf loss.
- Succulents –> use water in dry conditions + store water when in plentiful supply.
Various adaptations of hydrophytes to their environment?
- Very thin or no waxy cuticle.
- Wide flat leaves on water surface.
- Arenchyma –> many air spaces –> makes leaves + stems more buoyant.
- Small roots.
- Large s.a. of roots + stems underwater.
- Many always open stomata.
- Reduced structure to plant.
- Air sacs –> enable flotation + prevent water logging.
Define vascular bundle.
- Transport system in plants.
- Composed of xylem + phloem.
Describe + explain what happens when a ring of bark is removed from a tree.
- Bulge above the ring.
- Translocation past ring prevented.
- Sucrose accumulates.
- Lowers WP.
- Water moves into area by osmosis.