Chapter 9 - Talent, Careers, and Development Flashcards
Define “Strategic Talent Management”.
-The process of identifying the most important jobs in a company that provide a long-term competitive advantage and then creating appropriate HR policies to develop employees so that they can effectively work in these jobs.
Page 300
Define “Integrated Talent Management”.
-A holistic approach to leveraging and building human capital.
Page 301
Define “Make-or-Buy”.
-Develop competitive human resources or hire individuals who are already developed from somewhere else.
Page 304
Define “HiPos”.
-Individuals who show high promise for advancement in the organization.
Page 305
Define “Succession Planning”.
-Preparing for inevitable vacancies in the organization hierarchy.
Page 307
Define “Nine-Box Talent Grid”.
-A matrix showing past performance and future potential of all employees.
Page 309
Define “Career”.
-Series of work-related positions a person occupies throughout his or her life.
Page 312
Define “Protean Career”.
-A process whereby an individual makes conscious career plans to achieve self-fulfillment.
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Define “Organization-Centered Career Planning”.
-Career planning that focuses on identifying career paths that provide the logical progression of people between jobs in an organization.
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Define “Career Paths”.
-Represent employees’ movements through opportunities over time.
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Define “Individual-Centered Career Planning”.
-Career planning that focuses on an individual’s responsibility for a career rather than on organizational involvement in the process or consideration of a company’s needs.
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Define “Dual-Career Ladder”.
-System that allows a person to advance through either a management or a technical/professional ladder.
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Define “Glass Ceiling”.
-Situation in which women fail to progress into top and senior management positions.
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Define “Development”.
-Efforts to improve employees’ abilities to handle a variety of assignments and to cultivate their capabilities beyond those required by the current job.
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Define “Assessment Centers”.
-Collections of test instruments and exercises designed to diagnose an individual’s development needs.
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Define “Coaching”.
-A collaborative process focused on improving individual performance.
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Define “Job Rotation”.
-Process of moving a person from job to job.
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Define “Sabbatical”.
-Time off the job to develop and rejuvenate.
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Define “Modeling”.
-Copying someone else’s behavior.
Page 328
Define “Management Mentoring”.
-A relationship in which experienced managers aid individuals in the earlier stages of their careers.
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