Chapter 9: Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction Flashcards
drug abuse
the use of a drug to the extent that it impairs the user’s biopsychosocial health
alcoholism is…
a preventable health condition that causes more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other
How are drugs administered?
orally, rectally, by injection, by inhalation, and by absorption through the skin or mucous membranes. The manner in which drugs are absorbed can alter the physiological effects of the drug.
drug absorption process
after a drug is absorbed, it is distributed by the bloodstream to its site of action (receptors)
How quickly a drug reaches its target receptors depends on the rate of blood flow and how easily the drug passes through cell membranes and other protective barriers.
the brain and drugs
blood flow to the brain is greater than any other part of the body. Therefore, drugs that are able to pass through the network of cells that separates the blood and the brain (blood-brain barrier) move quickly into the central nervous system.
blood-brain barrier
the network of tightly packed capillary cells that separates the blood and the brain
unlike the porous blood capillaries in most other parts of the body, those in the brain are tightly packed, forming a fatty glial sheath that provides a protective environment for the brain. To reach the brain, a drug must first be absorbed through the capillary wall and then through the fatty sheath
drugs, chemicals, and environmental agents that can damage the developing person
a drug that attaches to a receptor and produces neural actions that mimic or enhance those of a naturally occurring neurotransmitter
a drug that blocks the action of a naturally occurring neurotransmitter or agonist
fat-soluble drugs
can cross the blood-brain barrier and are usually able to permeate the placental barrier, which separates the blood of a pregnant woman from that of her developing child
For this reason, alcohol, food, and cosmetics absorbed by a mother can affect her unborn child
drugs affect on the brain
once in the brain, drugs affect behavior by influencing the activity of neurons at their synapse. drugs can achieve their effects in one of three ways: by mimicking or enhancing the action of a naturally occurring neurotransmitter (agonist), by blocking its action (antagonist), or by affecting its reuptake
substance use disorder
a pattern of behavior characterized by impaired control, social impairment, and risky use of a drug
state in which the body and mind have adjusted to the repeated use of a drug and require its presence in order to maintain “normal” functioning
refers to the unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person abruptly ceases using a drug. Symptoms are generally the direct opposite of a drug’s primary effects
psychoactive drugs (mood, behavior, and thought processes)
drugs that affect mood, behavior, and thought processes by altering the functioning of neurons in the brain; they include stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens
what are some signs of dependence?
tolerance, a state of progressively decreasing behavioral and/or physiological responsiveness to a frequently used drug.
psychedelic drugs (hallucinogens)
pot and LSD, alter sensory perception, induce visual and auditory hallucinations as they separate the user from reality, and disrupt thought processes
include nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines, make people feel more alert and energetic by boosting activity in the central nervous system.
bariturates, opiates, alcohol, general anesthetics, and antiepileptic drugs, damped activity in the central nervous system. Low doses reduce responsiveness to sensory stimulation, slow thought processes, and lower physical activity. Higher doses result in drowsiness, lethargy, and amnesia
used to block pain during surgery and to regulate high blood pressure. They are also popular street drugs because they provide long lasting euphoria
drug potentiation
the effect of one drug to increase the effects of another