Chapter 13: Health Care Flashcards
collaborative care
a cooperative form of health care in which physicians, psychologists, and other health care providers join forces to improve patient care
attentional focus
a person’s characteristic style of monitoring:
bodily symptoms
overall wellbeing
sensitizers (people being sensitive in a certain way)
people who cope with health problems and other aversive events by closely scanning their bodies and environments for information
repressors (people who cope in a certain way)
people who cope with health problems and other aversive events by:
ignoring or distancing themselves from stressful information
illness representation
how a person views a particular illness, including its label and symptoms, perceived causes, timeline, consequences, and controllability
the simultaneous occurrence of two or more physical and /or psychological disorders or symptoms
seeking treatment: age
the very young and elderly seek treatment more often than young/middle-aged adults
teenagers have optimistic bias, so they don’t visit the doctor as often
during late adulthood, ageist stereotypes can be significant barriers to achieving and maintaining good health. old age often is viewed as a period of physical decline, so people are unwilling to change negative lifestyles and adhere to treatment plans
seeking treatment: gender
at all ages, women are more likely to report symptoms than men
seeking treatment: SES
people with high SES report fewer symptoms and better health than do low-income people
people in lower SES groups tend to wait longer to report symptoms
lay referral system
an informal network of family members, friends, and other nonprofessionals who offer their own impressions, experiences, and recommendations regarding a set of bodily symptoms
delay behavior
the tendency to avoid seeking medical care because symptoms go unnoticed (appraisal delay)
sickness seems unlikely (illness delay)
professional help is deemed unnecessary (behavioral delay)
the individual procrastinates in making an appointment (scheduling delay)
the perceived costs of treatment outweigh the perceived benefits (treatment delay)
illness anxiety disorder
the condition of experiencing abnormal anxiety over one’s health, often including imaginary symptoms
making believe that one is ill to benefit from sick role behavior
chronic fatigue syndrome
a puzzling disorder of uncertain causes in which a person experiences headaches, infections of unknown origins, extreme tiredness, and difficulties with concentration and memory
a patient both agreeing to and then closely following a treatment regimen as advised by his or her health care provider
the condition in which a patient refuses to complete a prescribed therapeutic regimen
what factors predict adherence?
patient and provider variables
health literacy
the capacity to obtain and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
motivational interviewing
a widely used counseling method that focuses on strengthening a person’s motivation and commitment to change a target health behavior
what three principles is MI based off of?
the delivery of medical information and clinical services through interactive audiovisual media
information control
patients’ knowledge regarding the particular procedures and physical sensations that accompany a medical treatment
cognitive control
interceptions that direct the patient’s attention to the positive aspects of a procedure (such as improved health) rather than to feelings of discomfort
behavioral control
interventions that teach techniques for controlling pain and speeding recovery during and after a medical procedures
lamaze training
a natural childbirth process designed to prepare prospective parents by enhancing their informational, cognitive, and behavioral control over childbirth
an advanced-practice nurse who, in addition to training in traditional nursing, receiving training in the delivery of primary health care
physician’s assistant
a graduate of a year training program that teaches how to practice medicine under the direction of physicians and surgeons
a payment model in which health care services are paid for by patients out of pocket at the time of treatment
health-maintenance organization
an organization that provides managed care, in which individuals pay a fixed monthly rate and use services as needed
managed care
a system of health care in which health insurance plans contract with providers and medial facilities to provide care for members at reduced rates
preferred-provider organization
a managed-care network physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers that agree to charge reestablished rates for specific services
patient-centered health care
the delivery of health care services that are respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values
accountable care organization
an organization of health care providers that agrees to be accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of members
enhancing adherence
build rapport
be competent, thorough, and consistent
discrimination and prejudice are relevant
what are the four principles of MI?
express empathy
identify discrepancy
roll with resistance
support self-efficacy