Chapter 5: Coping with Stress Flashcards
the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional ways in which we manage stressful situations
problem focused coping
a coping strategy for dealing directly with a stressor, in which we either reduce the stressor’s demands or increase our resources for meeting its demands
emotion focused coping
a coping strategy in which we try to control our emotional response to a stressor
repetitive focusing on the causes, meanings, and consequences of stressful experiences
emotional cascade
you’re so focused on an upsetting event that you work yourself up into an intense, painful state of negative emotion
emotional approach coping
the process of working through, clarifying, and understanding the emotions triggered by a stressor
psychological control
the perception that one can determine one’s own behavior and influence the environment to bring about desired outcomes
insults, indignities, and marginalizing messages sent by well-intentioned people who seem unaware of the hidden messages they are sending
minority stress theory
the concept that proposes that health disparities among minority individuals are due to chronically high levels of stress experienced by members of stigmatized groups
the quality that allows some people to bounce back from difficult events that might otherwise disrupt their well being
where does resilience come from?
three places. individual traits, and positive life experiences and social support.
what factors affect the ability to cope?
resilience, explanatory style, pessimism, optimism.
explanatory style
our general propensity to attribute outcomes always to positive causes or always to negative causes, such as personality, luck, or another person’s actions. people who look on the bright side of life tend to cope well with stress
those with higher pessimism have significantly higher mortality rates than those who are optimistic
optimistic bias
the belief that other people are more likely than oneself to develop a disease, be injured, or experience other negative events