chapter 9 quiz 1 Flashcards
political system where rulers offered the people protection in return for Labor
landholding noble in feudalism
land grants given in return for services
the recipient of a fief who owed allegiance to a king or lord
symbolic act by which the lord gave to the vassal the right to use a fief
medieval warriors who protected life and property and lived by the code of chivalry
a boy placed under the care of a knight for the purpose of becoming a knight
the personal servant of a knight
knight’s strict code of behavior
medieval decree by which the church forbade the pillage of its property and extended protection to all noncombatants in society
Peace of God
medieval decree which limited fighting to specified weekdays by forbidding combat from Wednesday evening to Monday morning
Truce of God
more privileged peasants who served as manorial officials or provided skilled labor, such as blacksmiths, millers, and carpenters
majority of those living on a manor; their status was midway between the ancient slave and the medieval freeman
“universal”; “encompassing all”; the term of early Christians for the church
the Roman Catholic theory that Christ made Peter the first pope and gave him supreme authority over the church on earth; also states that Peter subsequently transferred this office and its authority to those who succeeded him as bishop of Rome
Petrine theory