Chapter 9: Prosocial Behaviour- Helping Others Flashcards
9.1 assess factors that lead people to help others 9.2 identify factors that influence whether bystanders will offer help in emergency situation 9.3 determine the factors that increase or decrease people's willing to help others 9.4 relate crowdfunding to factors influencing pro social behaviour 9.5 describe the relationship between pro social and anti social behaviour
What is prosocial behaviour
Actions by individuals that help others with no immediate benefit to the helper
Define empathy
The capacity to be able to experience others emotional states feel sympathetic towards them and take their perspectives.
What is the empathy altruism hypothesis
It suggests that some prosocial acts are motivated solely by the desire to help someone in need where the motivation is strong enough that the helper is willing to engage in unpleasant dangerous and life threatening activities
What are the 3 distinct components of empathy
- Emotional empathy: involves sharing feeling and emotions of others.
- Cognitive component: involves perceiving others thoughts and feelings accurately
- Empathic concern: involves feeling of concern for others well being
What is the negative state relief model
It’s where unhappiness leads to prosocial behaviour and empathy isn’t a necessary component.
Explain the joy hypothesis
Suggest that helpers enjoy the positive reactions shown by others whom they help.
What is the competitive altruism approach
Suggests that one important reason that people help others is that doing so boosts their own status and reputation and benefits thereof.
Explain the kin selection theory
A key goal for all organisms is getting our genes into the next generation.
What is the reciprocal altruism Theory
Suggests we may be willing to help unrelated to us because helping is reciprocal at times
What is defensive helping
Helping others not belonging to ingroup as a means of defusing status threats from them.
What does diffusion of responsibility suggest
Suggests that the greater the number of bystanders witnessing an emergency the less likely are the victims to get help.
Define aversive racism
Negative emotional reactions to people of certain races.
State the steps taken before helping
- Notice something unusual is occurring
- Interpret the event
- Accept responsibility for helping
- Decide that you have the knowledge or skills needed
- Decide to actively help
What is meant by social exclusion
Being excluded from a group or perception of not belonging.
Define deindividuation
A reduced state of self awareness that encourages impulse behaviour when anonymous.
What is crowdfunding
A process in which entrepreneurs use money contribution to setup and then run their companies.
Define aggression
Intentional efforts to harm others in some way.