Chapter 10: Aggression- It's Nature Causes And Control Flashcards
10.1 describe contrasting views of why individuals aggress against others 10.2 identify the social personal and situational conditions that influence aggressive behaviour 10.3 describe the types and causes of bullying 10.4 Identify techniques for reducing aggression
What is aggression
Intentional efforts to harm others
What 2 reasons based on biological factors do people aggress against others
- human beings aggress against others by excluding them from social groups to performing overt acts of violence against them
- The frequency of aggressive behaviour varies across human societies occuring more in certain people than others.
State the drive theory of aggression
Proposes that external conditions that mainly create frustration which is to arouse a strong motive to harm others and when activated can lead to overt acts of aggression like provocation.
State the frustration aggression hypothesis
Suggests that frustration or anything preventing us from reaching goals leads to the arousal of a drive whose primary goal is that of harming the cause of the frustration.
What is the social learning perspective
Suggests that whether a person will aggress in a situation depends on many factors like experience reward attitude and potential effects.
What are the factors determining aggressive behaviour
Ways of seeking to harm others
Which group are appropriate targets
What actions justify retaliation
What situations are ones in which aggression is allowed
Explain the general aggression model
An event that may lead to overt aggression can be initiated by 2 types of input variables: factors relating to current situation and factors relating to people involved
Variables falling into situational include frustration provocation exposure to others behaving aggressively and anything causing individual to experience discomfort.
Individuals difference include traits and predispose individual towards aggressive like certain attitude and beliefs about violence and tendency to perceive hostile intenostions and skills related to violence.
What is the frustration aggression hypothesis
The 2 assertions is that frustration always leads to some form of aggression and that aggression always stems from frustration.
Explain the excitation transfer theory
Claims that physiological arousal tends to dissipate slowly overtime and persists as person moves from one situation to the next
What is the cognitive evaluation Theory
Suggests that isn’t not the violence in media but the sense of autonomy and competence that it provides.
What is desensitisation
Repeated exposure to violence causes people to become less sensitive to violence and it’s consequences.
How does exposure to violence increase tendency to aggress against others
It reduces individuals emotional reactions to violent events and perceived as common
Strengthens beliefs about appropriateness of aggression and other related cognitive processes of aggression
What is the hostile attributional bias
Perceiving hostility in others causes aggressive response.
What is narcissism
Extremely positive unjustified views of oneself and may lead to be aggressive when questioned on overblown views of self called narcissistic rage
Narcissism includes grandiosity where people show off and show arrogance and vulnerability which reflects tendency to be bitter complaining and defensive.
What is indirect aggression
Actions designed to harm others but not performed directly against them.
State three situational determinants of aggression
Alcohol and substance use
Weapon availablity
What is bullying
A form of interpersonal aggression in which one person intentionally and repeatedly aggresses against another due to having more power or status than victim.
Define cyber bullying
The use of Info and technology to deliberately repeatedly engage in hostile behaviour to harm others
What is catharsis
View that if people vent their anger in non harmful ways their tendencies to engage in more dangerous types of aggression will be reduced.
It’s sometimes ineffective because anger may be increased when individuals think about wrongs suffered by others
Watching aggressive scenes and alike may activate more aggressive responses