Chapter 9 Neurodevelopment (Post-Natal Development) Flashcards
What three things cause post-natal growth
- Synaptogenesis
- Myelination
- Increased Dendritic Branching
What pattern does Myelination follow?
Same as Functional Development:
Sensory -> Motor -> Higher-Level
What pattern does Increased Dendritic Branching follow?
Progresses from deeper to more superficial layers of cortex
What four things is the development of the prefrontal cortex linked to?
- Working Memory
- Planning
- Inhibiting contextually inappropriate responses
- Following rules for social behaviour
What are perseveration errors?
Common around 7-12 months of age
“response inhibition”
-inability to suppress previous response when task demands change —choosing answer that once was right even though question has changed
What is a critical period?
Period where it is essential for an experience to occur in order for development to proceed
-speech centre is the only known critical period - must develop by 13 yrs
What is a Sensitive period?
Interval where an experience will have a great effect on development - but if interval is missed development will still occur
What are three examples of rewiring the sensory system?
- Roe - auditory system developed retinotopic map
- Knudsen and Brainard - barn owls raised with prism: auditory and spatial maps realigned
- Munte et al - effect of music = increased auditory cortex
What is neurogenesis?
Growth of new neurons
What are two findings about neurogenesis?
- New neurons continuously added to olfactory bulbs in rats
2. New hippocampal neurons continuously added in primates
What is tinnitus?
Ringing of ears
-produces major reorganization of primary auditory cortex
What are early symptoms of autism?
Delayed language development
Delayed development of social interaction
What is the cause of autism?
- very heterogeneous = difficult to find underlying cause
- abnormal ffa activity
What are the characteristics of autism?
Reduced ability to interpret emotion in others
Reduced capacity for social interaction
Preoccupation with single object or activity
What are the causes of Williams?
Genetic: abnormal chromosome 7
Cortical Thinning
Cortical Thickening
What are characteristics of Williams?
Mental Retardation
Severe visuospatial problems (spatial memory and drawing)
-increased social interaction