Chapter 9: Human Resource Management Flashcards
includes all the method of matching of requirements of task to be performed with skills available
indicates the number of workers needed in each department of a foodservice
organization chart
surveys the sources of labor supply and determines which one or ones are to be used to bring the open positions to the attention of the best qualified prospective employees
press, agencies, schools, and labor unions
external sources
reaching a large group of potential applicants
provide a preliminary “weeding out” of would-be applicants, eliminating unfit individuals
graduates are excellent candidates for available foodservice positions
to select the most capable person available for the particular opening
cost of hiring, training, and discharging or transferring a worker is too great to allow any mistakes in the employee procurement process
biographic data that will provide the employer all the facts necessary to determine the fitness of the applicant for the job and to compare the qualifications of all applicants
references of former employment are requested and should be checked
application form
to get information, not only the facts, but attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality traits that determine “will-do” qualifications
the level of performance necessary to be successful on the job
include the steps involved in completing critical task, tools, and equipment used
the knowledge, skills, and abilities basic to completing the tas
skill standards
recruitment - internal sources
_____ of employees to higher level positions
recruitment - internal sources
_____ from a related department or unit
recruitment - internal sources
_____ of a person formerly on the payroll
the worker on the job
record of appointment becomes the nucleus of the records of the activity and progress of the worker within the organization, intent of employees, and as a basis for merit ratings, salary adjustments, or other benefits
personnel records
the worker on the job
-introduction of the company
-review of important policies and practices
-review of benefits and service
-benefit plan enrollment
-completion of employment documents
-review of employer expectations
-setting of employee expectations
-introduction to fellow workers
-introduction to facilities
-introduction to the job
aims to:
-teach the right way to do something
-correct behavior that needs improvement
-institute a new standard or method of complying with a regulation
also done to reduce employee turnover
training and development
defined as the analysis of a job to be taught and a listing of the elemental seps of what to do and the key points of how to do them
necessary in order to facilitate an effective training program
job breakdown
used to determine job competence, need for additional training or counseling, and to review the employee’s progress within the organization
performance appraisal and evaluation
performance appraisal and evaluation
attempt to assess the overall value of an employee’s work in terms of contribution to business objectives, and is a broader aspect of an organization’s performance management system
performance appraisal
performance appraisal and evaluation
-assessing employee compensation and comparing it with targets and plans
-analyzing factors affecting work performance of employees
-guiding and motivating employees to improve performance
performance appraisal
performance appraisal and evaluation
ongoing process of receiving feedback in terms of job skills, quality and quantity of work, work habits, communication, initiative, judgment, and leadership
a component of performance appraisal
employee evaluation
performance appraisal and evaluation - eval
employee is asked to rate his own performance. the management can compare self-evaluation results with the supervisor’s evaluation
performance appraisal and evaluation - eval
employee receives feedback from supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers, suppliers, or others who are able to observe the worker’s performance on the job
360-degree feedback
performance appraisal and evaluation - eval
proactive method wherein a list of good and bad incidents is logged and discusses during the employee performance review
critical incident
performance appraisal and evaluation - eval
simplistic method of answering performance question with a yes or a no
used to easily identify employees that have deficiencies in certain performance areas
performance appraisal and evaluation - eval
method of rating using a scale
i.e. poor to excellent
graphic scale
ranges from an informal talk, an oral unrecorded warning or reprimand, a written or official warning, a disciplinary suspension, a demotion or transfer, to a discharge
disciplinary action
personnel - movement
vertical movement to a higher rank or position
implies an increase in responsibility and salary
personnel - movement
horizontal or lateral movement
may be due to changes in organizational structure, volume of work, or job dissatisfaction
personnel - movement
termination without the consent of the employee
should be given an exit interview in which strong points are recognized for the reasons for dismissal are dispassionately reviewed
personnel - movement
giving up a position
involves ending employment relationship
personnel - movement
permanently leaving the workforce due to old age
coordinating and directing the work of employees to accomplish the organization’s goals
roles of a supervisor
-a matter of personal contract reinforced through checking by observations, records, and charts
-supervisor sets aside a certain time each day for checking on the work in progress and for stimulating interest and cooperation in the individual and in the group
-checking at the end of the day to see that the work scheduled has been carried out to complete “routine” supervision
routine supervision
roles of a supervisor
better decisions are likely to be made
roles of a supervisor
a technique for generating ideas about problems and opportunities for imporvement
roles of a supervisor
can be addressed through active supervision
symptoms of unexpressed dissatisfaction include excessive tardiness or absenteeism, decline in quantity or quality of work, or change in attitude or indifference
handling grievances
labor policies and legislation
policies relating to personnel are known as
labor policies
labor policies and legislation
adopted to provide meaning or understanding to a course of action, directive, and rules, which aim for compliance
labor policies and legislation
include salaries and wages, and fringe benefits
compensation policies
labor policies and legislation
include labor unions, the way in which grievances and appeals are handled, or the degree of employee participation in organizational decision-making
integration policies
labor policies and legislation
include services for employees’ physical, mental, and emotional helath
maintenance policies
philippine labor legislation and policies - hours of work premiums
8 hours per day
5-6 days per week
philippine labor legislation and policies - hours of work premiums
for work performed between 10 and 6 am
night shift differentials
service charges and pooled tips
85% equally shared by employees
15% retained by the management
a fixed amount paid regularly, usually on a monthly basis. This payment remains consistent regardless of the hours worked
compensation paid solely for the hours worked, with employers paying employees on an hourly basis