Chapter 9 Formal Fitness Assessments Flashcards
altered joint motion caused by altered length-tension relationships and force-couple relationships that affect the joints and cause poor movement efficiency
altered arthrokinematics
occurs when the kinetic chain is not performing optimally to control the body in all three planes of motion
altered neuromuscular efficiency
the ability of the neuromuscular system to perform functional tasks with the least amount of energy, decreasing stress on the body’s structure
functional efficiency
the process where the knees move forward and in, also known as knock knees
knee valgus
outward curvature of the thoracic spine by which the spine is bent forward
kyphotic curve
a postural distortion syndrome characterized by an anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back)
lower crossed syndrome
a transitional movement assessment designed to assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control
overhead squat assessment
common postural malalignments and muscle imbalances that individuals develop based on variety of factors
postural distortion patterns
a postural distortion syndrome characterized by foot pronation (flat feet) and adducted internally rotated knees (knock knees)
pronation distortion syndrome
the HMS’s way of finding the path of least resistance during movement
relative flexibility
hormone produced during pregnancy that loosens and softens ligaments
the scapula protrudes from the back in an abnormal position
scapular winging
like overhead, performed on one leg.
single leg squat assessment
proportion and balamce between two items or sides
a type of assessment that evaluates dynamic posture
transitional movement Assessment
a postural distortion syndrome characterized by a forward head and rounded shoulders
upper crossed syndrome