Chapter 3 Biomechanics Flashcards
how forces affect a living body
body segment moving away from midline of body
speed of an object
a muscle that produces abduction of a limb or a joint
muscle tension generated by its contractile elements
active force
body segment moving toward the midline of the body
a muscle that produces adduction of a limb or joint
standard posture wherein the body stands upright with arms at sides and pains and face forward
anatomic position
a straight line that cuts through the body front to back
anterior-posterior axis
a white tendinous sheet that connects muscle to bone
production of an active force while a muscle develops tension while shortening in length
concentric activation
programming process that identifies neuromuscular dysfunction, develops a plan of action, and implements a corrective strategy as a part of an exercise training program
corrective exercise
production of an active force when a muscle develops tension while lengthening.
eccentric activation
action of a muscle when it is generating an eccentric contraction
eccentric function
movement at a joint where relative angle between two adjoining segments increases
muscle that produces extension of a limb or joint
rotation of a limb or body segment away from midline of the body
external rotation
located on outside but acting on a structure to be considered
the normal extensibility of soft tissue which allows a joint to be moved through its full range of motion
bending at a joint where the relative angle between two adjoining segments decreases
muscle that produces flexion of a limb or joint
push or pull that can create, stop, or change a movement. mass x acceleration
an imaginary plane that bisects the body into equal halves, producing a front half and a back half
frontal plane
force that accelerates an object or mass downward toward the earth’s center
equal and opposite external force that is exerted back onto the body by ground
ground reaction force
the relatively mobile attachment site
the coordination of muscles to produce. reduce, and stabilize forces in multiple planes for efficient and safe movement
integrated function
rotation of a limb or body segment toward midline
internal rotation
deep inner muscles behind the superficial abdominals that have a direct effect in stabilizing the lumbo pelvic hip complex
intrinsic core stabilizers