Chapter 9 Final Flashcards
Only popular since the 1920s
Today dating is defined as
more casual than formal, social activity, companionship, status, intimacy and sexual exploration
which states that women and men behave in ways that will maximize the survival of their genes
evolutionary theory
suggest that societies emphasis on a distinct division of labor b/w the sexes will directly be linked to sex diff. in mate selection
Social role theory
argues that social norms dictate what is desirable in a mate
social construction theory
a scheme or a cognitive representation of a sequence of events
male-intiating the date/female-accepts or rejects
women and men agree on the most important characteristic in a mate:
kind, understanding, honest, trustworthy, sense of humor, and open and expressive
There are consistent diff. on traits that are relatively unimportant in choosing a mate:
men-physical attractiveness more heavily
women-economic resources more heavily than do men
——— influences mate preferences.
the nature of the relationship
sex diff are more likely to appear when the relationship is
less serious; men’s women’s preferences is less serious; men’s and women’s preferences are most similar in serious relationships
Adolescence dating –% of 12-17 tr olds date reg
SIngle Adults dating
Less than –% dating
–% been on a date in past 6 months
Reasons to date
(59%m, 68%w)=
(12%m, 14%w)=
looking for a spouse
Physical attractiveness over the yrs has
become more important for both males and females (so the gender diff is now small)
in figure 9.4 women are seen to be the “——–”—- which means they valued almost all of the traits more than men did.
The one expectation that me had over women was—–
What was the biggest diff for women?
conclusion: the difference comes from ——– = women do not have as high of ———— that they will get this in a relationship
TF agreeing with what?
“choosier” sex
physical attractiveness
of an expectation
Evolutionary psych.
referring to gender diff in sexuality: results from meta-analysis
Approval for casual sex (d=.81)
evaluation of male and female beh. according to different standards; used specifically to refer to holding more conservative, restrictive attitudes toward female sexuality
double standard
i.e. it is more acceptable for a man than a women to engage in premarital sex
double standard
be sexy but do not be sexual, this is an example of
a double standard
courtship is traditional marriage
common 1920s-1960
women responsible for maintaining relationship
Marriage: companionship blueprint
- expression of personal freedom (even in committed relationships)
- allows for division of labor in the marr.
- can make a really dependent relationship in conversation
- can lead to partners who do not have adequate commitment of intimacy
Marriage: Independence blueprint:-arose during 1960s
More traditional in concepts
allows for an acknowledgment of mutual dependence on each other
has the least amount of divorce
Interdependence blueprint
There are 3 primary love styles:
there are also three blends of this love style:
friendship love
game-playing love
manic love
mania; blend of eros and lupus
practical love
pragma; blend of storge and ludus
pure love
agape; blend of eros and storge
even within the couple
traditional beliefs
across cultures
f>m report physical feeling of love
Idealized romantic beliefs
but married men are physically and mentally healthier than single men
favorability toward marriage
gender roles define this as the male taking the role of the breadwinner and the female taking the role of the caregiver
heterosexual marriage
Marital relations can often be thought of as
power relations
same sex married cpls
have a difficulty when it comes to taxes
when women make the money there is —- vs me making the money there is —-
conflict vs no conflict
in marr. when it comes to income the person with the paid employment
has the power making money an important factor
homemakers usually have the least power
wife making more than husband (power?)
decreases wife’s power
Houshold chores and childcare=
F do twice as much as males
marr increases—— for women and decreases —— for men
Division of labor in the household
chores women's employment SES gender role att. ethnic diff Latino men are lesser then wht men Latino wmn less likely to work outside the home
regarding the division of household labor the majority of women today—– though the primary responsibility if the house remains with
the female partner works outside the home
the woman
TF making this a conflict for cpls
what two things are related in marr.
power and conflict
partners who have unequal power are more likely to
include in conflict
m and w conflict strategies are sim. (3)
placing own needs 1st
subordination own needs
m and w motivations for strategies differ:
w subordinate own need to avoid upsetting partner
what is the main reason fro divorce?
inequality of power
women are more inclined to compromise
Gottman: predicting breakups
martital sat. is not a strong predictor of marital stability
BEHAVIORS during conflict that predict breakup in mart. (wives(
overly argreeable
disgust expressions
BEHAVIORS during conflict that predict breakup in mart. (husbands)
avoiding eye contact
rigid neck
unresponsive miserable smile
BEHAVIORS during conflict that predict breakup in mart (both)
what is the demand/withdrawn pattern that F=Gottman describes:
most problematic when w demands and m withdraws