Chapter 10 final Flashcards
“women are sicker; men die quicker”
old saying that summarizes the contradictory stat. on morbidity vs morality and illness vs death
rather than a biological basis, lifestyle factors may relate to this gender diff.
women live loinger on avg
has existed for over 100yrs
and occurs in many cult.
women have lower mortality rate then men
women have higher —– than men
women seek help more often
the xx chromosomes that wmn have compared to xy
men do not go to the dr more often bc
it is a sign of weakness
biggest killer of both m and w
cardiovascular disease
why do wmn seem to be protected at younger ages relative to men?
higher levels of HDL premenopausal
estrogen diminishes sympathetic nervous system arousal
wmn have been understudied when it comes to cariovas. disease which leads to
based on this lim research the risk factors ar
lack of prevention among wmn, treatment, and educ.
sim to men
why men’s elevated risk factors under 65?
lifestyle factors assoc. w/male gender roles smoking high fat diet drinking dont fully explain gender diff. wmn usu. have a healthier lifestyle
the 2nd leading cause of death in the US and other dev. countries
are there gender diff?
higher mortality rate
risk factors for cancer
cig. diet occupational exposure sex. beh. relatively high in b=mens ben TF increasing their risk
violent deaths:
suicide, homocide, auto accidents
women are less likely to die from these causes compared to men
violent deaths
gender diff. in illness-women’s illness are
not as life threatening
gender diff in health care seeking and receipt
reproductive health
Study of healthcare contacts: reproductive healthcare issues
who has health insure. more often?
who seeks more ass. for symp.
make it more diff. fro wmn to do so
the sick role hypothesis
if men and women who are equally ill but wmn are more likely to see ass. for symp., wmn appear to be more ill than men
the sick role hypoth.
steriotypical views may contradict to
poorer health care for wmn
The office of reseach on women’s health
created to address women’s health problems
what is an example of the office of research on women’s health do?
the women’s health initiative:
what is the wmns health initiative?
what were the findings?
where there comparable initiative addresses men’s health prob?
a longitudinal study sponsered by this office of research on womens health
the dangers of hormone replacment therapy (HRT)
this has become a part of the health care system
reproductive health
reproductive health:
critiques lament;
maternala and infant mortality has;
women’s reproductive health:
pathologizing preg and childbirth
specialized probs., disease processes that require health care (contraceptives, fertility prob)
interrelated with gender roles are
behavioral risk
behavioral risk are
(mens lifestyle increases there risk of death
risk taking -m
risk avoiding-f
sex diff in soc health will diminish when
sex roles become =
exercising and fitness is persued more often by
men than women
this exerc. genera-related diff begans in
chidhood bc boys play more active games
and all children have become less active in the past decade
decreases risk of cardiovascular disease
deceases osteoporosis
psychological ben.
athletics have trad been a —-and now more wmn part take in —
which allows dev. of a “—–” of fitness
male domain
comp. sports
why do men exercise
promote fitness
enjoy competitive sports
why do women exercise
manage their weight