Chapter 9: DNA-Protein Interactions in Prokaryotes Flashcards
434 repressor protein recognition helix (x2)
key amino acids? they bind…?
carries partial positive charge
forms H-bonds with DNA to create slight structural bend inhibiting transcription (compacts minor groove, opens major groove)
glutamine 28/24/33; adenine, guanine, & thymine/adenine
allows protein to fit within DNA strands
repressor supersecondary structure
form dimers
directly bind operator OR2 w/in major DNA groove using hydrgoen bonding of recognition helices (between DNA bases and specific amino acids)
DNA-bound proteins can associate/dimerize with other repressor proteins at distant sites –> DNA looping (what does this do?)
Lambda repressor proteins (x3)
-blocks transcription or makes DNA susceptible to cutting by DNases
both contain polar & nonpolar hydrophobic amino acids (but tend to be hydrophobic)
helices from phages 434 & P22
Ptashne et el
ID’d and mapped the key amino acids within the helices of 434 & P22
glutamine 33/34 & serine 45
asparagine 55 & lyrine 4
crucial lambda repressor amino acids to recognition helix
Acceptor and Donor Sites
- AT: major
- AT: minor
- CG: major
- CG: minor
Acceptor and Donor Sites
- 2 A’s, 1 D
- 2 A’s, 0 D’s
- 2 A’s, 1 D
- 2 A’s, 1 D
Cap binding to DNA
requires DNA kinking
crucial lambda repressor amino acids to recognition helix
glutamine 33/34 & serine 45
asparagine 55 & lyrine 4
carries partial positive charge
forms H-bonds with DNA to create slight structural bend inhibiting transcription (compacts minor groove, opens major groove)
glutamine 28/24/33; adenine, guanine, & thymine/adenine
434 repressor protein recognition helix (x2)
key amino acids? they bind…?
contains 2 operators, one internal, one near promoter
Trxn stopped with protein binding to both operators and dimerization –> DNA looping
Gal operon
Asparagine, Valine, Serine, & Arginine
P22 DNA-binding amino acids
Cro protein (x2)
uses helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif and binds same operators as the lambda repressor
helices from phages 434 & P22
both contain polar & nonpolar hydrophobic amino acids (but tend to be hydrophobic)
- stabalizes or recruits polymerase to promoter
- e.g.?
DNA-protein binding complexes that trigger transcription from a distant site or separate DNA molecule using DNA looping (how?)
e.g.= E. coli glnA
Gal operon
contains 2 operators, one internal, one near promoter
Trxn stopped with protein binding to both operators and dimerization –> DNA looping
repressor supersecondary structure
allows protein to fit within DNA strands
uses helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif and binds same operators as the lambda repressor
Cro protein
Acceptor and Donor Sites
- 2 A’s, 1 D
- 2 A’s, 0 D’s
- 2 A’s, 1 D
- 2 A’s, 1 D
Acceptor and Donor Sites
- AT: major
- AT: minor
- CG: major
- CG: minor
requires DNA kinking
Cap binding to DNA
ID’d and mapped the key amino acids within the helices of 434 & P22
Ptashne et el
DNA-protein binding complexes that trigger transcription from a distant site or separate DNA molecule using DNA looping (how?)
- stabalizes or recruits polymerase to promoter
- e.g. E. coli glnA
P22 DNA-binding amino acids
Asn, Val, Ser, & Arg
Lambda repressor proteins (x3)
-blocks transcription or makes DNA susceptible to cutting by DNases
form dimers
directly bind operator OR2 w/in major DNA groove using hydrgoen bonding of recognition helices (between DNA bases and specific amino acids)
DNA-bound proteins can associate/dimerize with other repressor proteins at distant sites –> DNA looping (what does this do?)