Chapter 9: Diencephalon Flashcards
VPL of the thalamus stands for?
ventroposterolateral nucleus
VPM of the thalamus stands for?
ventroposteromedial nucleus
VA of the thalamus stands for stands for?
ventral anterior
VL of the thalamus stands for?
ventral lateral
LGB of the thalamus stands for?
lateral geniculate body
MGB of the thalamus stands for?
medial geniculate body
AN of the thalamus stands for?
anterior nuclear group
MD of the thalamus stands for?
mediodorsal nucleus
Where does the VPL receive its input?
sensory from body and limbs
Where does the VPL send its output?
somatosensory cortex
Where does the VPM receive input from?
sensory from face, taste
Where does the VPM send its output?
somatosensory cortex
Where does the VA/VL of the thalamus receive input?
motor info from BG, cerebellum
Where does the VA/VL of the thalamus send its output?
motor cortices
Where does the LGB of the thalamus receive its input from?
visual from optic tract
Where does the LGB send its output?
first-degree visual cortex
Where does the MGB of the thalamus receive its input?
auditory from inferior colliculus
Where does the MGB of the thalamus send its output?
first-degree auditory cortex
Where does the AN of the thalamus receive it’s input?
mamillary nucleus (via mammillothalamic tract)
Where does AN of the thalamus send its output?
cingulate gyrus (part of Papez circuit)
What is the function of the MD of the thalamus?
(dorsomedial nucleus) involved in memory
Clinical correlate of the MD in the thalamus.
damaged in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
What is function of the pulvinar nucleus?
helps integrate somesthetic, visual, and auditory input
What is the function of midline/intralaminar thalamic nuclei?
involved in arousal
Function of the hypothalamus?
helps maintain homeostasis; has roles in the autonomic ,endocrine, and limbic systems
Lateral hypothalamic nuclei function? Lesion implications?
feeding center; lesion > starvation
Ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei function? Lesion?
satiety center; lesion > hyperphagia, obesity, savage behavior
Suprachiasmatic nuclei function?
regulates circadian rhythms, receives direct retinal input
Supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei function? Lesion implications?
synthesizes ADH and oxytocin; regulates water balances
Lesion > DI, characterized by polydipsia and polyuria
Where does mamillary body nuclei receive input from? Clinical correlation?
input from hippocampus; damaged in Wernicke encephalopathy
Function of arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus?
produces hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting factors and gives rise to tuberohypophysial tract
Has neurons that produce dopamine (PIF) prolactin inhibiting factor
What is the function of the anterior region of the hypothalamus?
- temperature regulation; lesion > hyperthermia
- stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system
What is the function of the posterior region of the hypothalamus?
- temperature regulation, lesion > poikilothermia (inability to thermoregulate)
- stimulates sympathetic nervous system
What is the function of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus? Lesion implications?
regulates release of gonotrophic hormones, contains sexually dimorphic nucleus
Lesion before puberty > arrested sexual development: lesion after puberty > amenorrhea or impotence
What is the function of the dorsomedial portion of the hypothalamus?
stimulation > savage behavior
What is the function of the epithalamus? What makes up the epithalamus?
consists of pineal body and habenuclear nuclei, The pineal body secretes melatonin with a circadian rhythm
What is the function of the subthalamus? Implications of lesion
subthalamic nucleus is involved in the basal ganglia circuitry. Lesion > hemiballisus (contralateral flinging movements of one or both extremities.)
Symptoms Korsakoff?
anterograde and retrograde amnesia
Symptoms of pinealoma?
precocious puberty in males
obstruction to CSF flow and increased ICP
Compression of upper midbrain and pretectal area by a pineal tumor resulting in Parinaud syndrome in which there is impairment of conjugate vertical gaze and pupillary reflex abnormalities