Chapter 9: Book Terms Flashcards
autonomous region
provinces that have been granted a certain degree of political and cultural autonomy or freedom from central authority
a member of the Russian communist movement led by Lenin that successfully took control of the country in 1917
centralized economic planning
an economic system in which the state sets production targets and controls the means of production
cherzonem soil
dark fertile soil
Cold War
an ideological struggle between the US and USSR that was conducted between 1946 and 1991
Highly mobile Slavic-speaking Christians of the southern Russian steppe who were pivotal in expanding Russian influence in 16th and 17th Century Siberia
the process by where nuclear weapons are moved from an area and dismantled or taken elsewhere
Eastern Orthodoxy Christianity
a loose confederation of self-governing churches in Eastern Europe and Russian that are historically linked to Byzantine traditions and to the primacy of the patriarch of Constantinople
a portion of a country’s territory that lies outside its contiguous land area
a policy of greater political openness initiated during the 1980s by the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev
Iron Curtain
termed coined by Winston Churchill during the Cold War to define the western border of Soviet power in Europe…Berlin wall was the physical manifestation
a large state constructed urban housing project
north sea route
an ice-free channel along Siberia’s northern coast that will grow in importance given sustained global warming
a program of partially implemented, planned economic reforms(or restructuring) undertaken during the Gorbachev years in the Soviet Union to make the Soviet economy more efficient and responsive to consumer needs
a cold climate condition in which the ground remains permanently frozen