What are the 2 types of Aircraft Parachute Flares?
- visible light for unaided night capabilities
2. near infrared light for aided use
What type of flare is visible light?
What type of mixture does it burn and how hot?
magnesium mixture
high intensity, near sunlight, 1,900,000 candlepower
What type of flare is near- infrared?
Can you see it with the naked eye?
almost invisible to the naked eye, only useful with NVDs
How many variants of the infrared flare are there?
What are the 4 basic components of the flares?
- mechanical timer
- parachute
- igniter
- illuminate candle
What are the 2 types of BI missions?
Preplanned Illumination
On-Call Illumination
What are the 3 basic BI targets?
- Point Target - small area of interest (LZ, extraction point), single flare or group of flares used over a point
- Linear Target - road or river, string of flares released parallel to target
- Area Target - DZ or large objective area, single or string of flares used
What are the different drop patterns?
Racetrack - effective for constant illumination of a point or area target
Continuous Orbit - effective for constant illum of point target
90- to 270-degree Turn - similar to instrument procedure turn. Effective for constant illum of linear target
What equipment is required to conduct BI?
(1) flare dispenser
(1) flare dispensing rod
Flare storage box (up to 32 flares per box)
(2) pairs of welder gloves
(4) 2.5 gal pressurized water fire extinguishers
(1) shovel
Smoke masks for everyone
If in a threat environment and the flare storage box is not armored, what shall be armored?
Pallet upon which it is secured
How is the flare dispenser constructed?
Heavy-gauge aluminum that is strengthened to support the weight of the cargo door.
When planning a BI mission, what factors should be considered?
- threat
- type of mission
- deconfliction
- target to be illuminated
- illumination level required by supported unit
Lux level examples
500-1000: typical office lighting
100: residential room lighting
<10: ability of eye to perceive orange and blue is degraded
0.1: perception of yellow and blue-green is degraded
<0.03-0.05: cones in retina largely cease to respond and objects seen in gray
Flare storage boxes should be secured to what?
standard 463L pallet or Type V platform
Dropping at high altitudes do what for you?
- increase range from threat weapons
- make a/c aural signature difficult to acquire
- allow for longer timer settings which reduce chance of C-130 being illuminated by own flares
What is a consideration if dropping above 10,000’ MSL?
limited loiter time due to available oxygen aboard a/c
Burn time of LUU-2B/B
Burn Descent of LUU-2B/B
Parachute Descent Rate of LUU-2B/B
4 minutes
2,000 ft
8.3 fps
Burn time of LUU-19/B
Burn Descent of LUU-19/B
Parachute Descent Rate of LUU-19/B
9 minutes
7,500 ft
14 fps
Burn time of LUU-19A/B
Burn Descent of LUU-19A/B
Parachute Descent Rate of LUU-19A/B
7 minutes
6,000 ft
14 fps
Burn time of LUU-19B/B
Burn Descent of LUU-19B/B
Parachute Descent Rate of LUU-19B/B
7 minutes
6,000 ft
14 fps
What are all the different timer setting options?
500, 1000, 1500, 2000-11000 in 1,000 ft increments
250 not authorized
Under ideal (very clear) conditions, assuming a benchmark min of 0.0022 lux, how much will a single LUU-2B/B illuminate?
Single LUU-19?
a target area for NVD imaging at a range of approx. 22,500 meters
4,000 meters = equivalent to crescent moon
How do you apply the transmissivity to achieve actual lux?
Ex. Light Haze = transmissivity is 0.55
0.0022 x 0.55 = 0.0012 actual lux
To avoid aural detection how far away should the C-130 loiter until flares are requested?
what way should you be oriented?
holding area 10-12 NM away from target area
perpendicular for ease of navigation
only in permissive environment should a/c loiter over target area
Drop altitudes usually range from what?
4,000 - 18,000’ AGL
How are release points determined?
calculating ballistic wind and then solving for the vertical and horizontal problems
What is the vertical problem used for?
to determine release altitude and timer setting
What is the horizontal problem?
Determining a release point or multiple release points
In what 2 directions does the flare travel after it is dropped?
first - along the approximate track of the aircraft
second - along the wind line (downwind) after chute deployment
Horizontal problem is simply plotting what?
forward travel distance influenced by wind drift, and a wind vector that represents the flight path of the flare from release to burnout.
What is the timing problem?
plan for the first flare released to ignite at TOT
TOT - Time to Deploy = First Flare Release Time
APFs are designed to illuminate how much area with a single flare?
one square km
If flares used to illuminate a large area, what is the standard separation between flares?
10 second interval
A normal flare team consists of how many LMs?
one will be qualified as primary
Time to position the flare dispenser and load flares can be as much as how long?
20 minutes
Personnel working with flares in a/c shall wear what?
What is not authorized?
shall wear a back parachute
restraint harness not authorized
How many personnel are allowed in the area btwn flare dispenser and flare platforms at any one time?
maximum of 4
Airspeed in excess of 170 KIAS may cause what to occur?
cause the dispensed flare to float upward and strike the underside of the empennage
Hand launching of flares is normally reserved for what?
missions that require a small quantity of flares or as a backup alternative in the event the flare dispenser is not available
If hand launching flares from the paratroop door, AOB and turns must be what?
AOB less than 30 degrees and turns must be in the same direction as location of launch door