What are the 6 functions of Marine aviation?
Air Reconnaissance (AR) Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) Assault Support (AS) Control of Aircraft & Missiles Electronic Warfare (EW) Offensive Air Support (OAS)
3 categories of Air Recon
Imagery - sensors
Electronic - detects enemy EM radiation
How is Imagery in Air Recon divided?
Optical - uses lens to focus light. requires visible light
Non-Optical - IR/radar sensors
What are the 3 steps in air recon?
Detection - object has becoming interesting (something is moving)
Recognition - fidelity achieved to place object into category (that is a tank)
Identification - fidelity achieved to classify object (that is a T-80 variant)
What are the 5 basic prerequisites for Air Recon to be effective?
- Air Superiority
- Cooperative weather
- Capable platforms and sensors
- Flexible control
How are preplanned air recon missions requested?
submit Joint Tactical Air Strike Request (JTAR) via air officer
How are immediate air recon missions requested?
via DASC
Air Recon
What does M stand for on a UA?
M = multi-mission
R = reconnaissance
How are UAs categorized?
into 5 groups based on weight and operation characteristics
1 = lightest, lowest, slowest 5 = heaviest, highest, fastest
Air Recon
How is the USMC Family of System divided?
What are the differences?
Small (SUAS)
- hand launched systems (RQ-11B Raven, RQ-12A Wasp, RQ-20A Puma)
- low cost, “over the hill”
- extremely small
- Integrated by FiST, TACP, operated by 2 personnel
Small Tactical (STUAS)
- operated by VMUs
- larger, more capable than SUAS
- RQ-21A - joint group 3 asset
- 24 personnel
What 3 things must Air Recon be?
Define AAW
action required to destroy or reduce the enemy air and missile threat to an acceptable level
What are the 2 purposes of AAW
Force Protection
Air Superiority
What 3 principles are AAW based on?
Mutual Support
Centralized Command and Decentralized control
What are the 4 operation elements of Theater Air Defense (TAD)?
Active Air and Missile Defense (AMD)
Passive Air and Missile Defense (AMD)
Attack Operations
C4I (command, control, computers, & intelligence)
What does Assault Support provide?
ability to concentrate strength against selected enemy weaknesses using speed and surprise
What are the 2 categories of Assault Support missions?
Pre-planned - within ATO cycle
Immediate - outside ATO cycle that arise suddenly
What are the 2 types of pre-planned assault support missions?
When does reliance on assault support increase?
when movement of personnel/equipment must be done quickly over long distances or over prohibitive terrain
What are the 6 different assault support operations?
CAT - Combat Assault Transport Air Delivery AAR - Air to Air Refueling Air Evacuation TRAP - Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel Air Logistical Support
When is TRAP conducted?
only when survivors and locations are confirmed
MAGTF aviation operates under what principle tenet?
Principle tenet of centralized command and decentralized control
What are the 2 types of control exercised by MACCS?
Air Direction
Air Control
What is NOT part of the administrative chain of MACG but integral element of MACCS?
TACP - Tactical Air Control Party
What are the principle objectives of MACCS?
Enhance unity of effort
Integrate elements of C2 system
Disseminate common situational awareness
Which is the senior MACCS agency?
TACC - Tactical Air Command Center
Which agency employs the Stinger missile system and crew-served weapons?
LAAD - Low Altitude Air Defense
What does the DASC do?
principal MACCS agency responsible for the direction of air operations directly supporting ground and maritime forces
What is the TAOC?
Primary Defensive Counterair (AAW) control agency within MAGTF
Define EW
any military action involving use of EM and directed energy to control the EMS or attack the enemy
EW is divided into what 3 subdivisions?
Electromagnetic Support (ES) Electromagnetic Attack (EA) Electromagnetic Protection (EP)
What are common types of EA
spot, barrage, and sweep jamming
What planning and considerations are included in EW
Countermeasures (CM) EM Interference (EMI) Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Emission Control (EMCON)
Define OAS
those air ops conducted against enemy installations, facilities, and personnel to directly assist in the attainment of MAGTF objectives thru destruction of enemy resources or by isolation of enemy military forces
What are the 3 major areas of OAS
What are the 2 subcategories of OAS
DAS (Deep Air Support)
CAS (Close Air Support)
Define DAS
air action against enemy targets at such a distance from friendly forces that detailed integration of each mission with fire and movement from friendly forces is NOT required
What missions are included in DAS
Air Interdiction (AI) or STRIKE Armed Reconnaissance (AR) Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance (SCAR)
Define CAS
air action by fixed or rotary wing aircraft against hostile targets in close proximity to friendly forces and requires detailed integration of each air mission with fire and movement of those forces
Who can perform TAC (Terminal Attack Control)
only certified and qualified JTAC or FAC[A] is recognized and capable