Chapter 9 Flashcards
Behalf (noun)
As someone’s representative
Fyrir hönd einhvers
He did it on his own behalf.
Commitment (noun)
A promise or an obligation
Loforð eða skuldbinding
He made a commitment that he would go to the gym with me.
Convention (noun)
A widely observed practice
It’s an old convention to have a Christmas tree.
Entity (noun)
Something viewed as a unit or a whole
Vinstri Grænir is one entity in the Icelandic government.
Parameter (noun)
A limit that defines an activity.
Takmörk, mörk
They set the parameter of the game.
Regime (noun)
A form of government, most of the time referring to one person having much power
Stjórnarfar (einræði, neikvætt)
North Korea has very strict regime.
Revenue (noun)
Youtubers get quite high ad revenue, hence, they have a lot of money.
Grant (verb)
To allow someone to have something
Að veita, heimila
The Coca Cola Company was not granted to produce Pepsi.
Hypothesize (verb)
To assume
Að gera ráð fyrir
Every presidential election, people hypothesize about who’s gonna win.
Monitor (verb)
To observe
Að fylgjast með, vakta
The monitor is monitoring foreign radiobroadcasts from outer space.
Retain (verb)
Continue to have something; keep possession of.
Að halda; varðveita
The team did their best to retain their advantage, but they didn’t manage to do it.
Adequate (adjective)
Enough; sufficient
Nóg, fullnægjandi
His 7b exercise was not good, but adequate.
Occupational (adjective)
Relating to a job or a profession.
It’s an occupational hazard for doctors to have long hours.
Prior (adjective)
Priority is s word that I understand
Safety number one priority.
Symbolic (adjective)
Serving as a symbol.
The Apple logo is really symbolic for the company because everybody knows it.
Whereas (conjunction)
In comparison to something else.
En; aftur á móti; hins vegar.
“Kolbrún is a good student, whereas Njörður isn’t” -Þórdís enskukennari