Chapter 11 Flashcards
Generation (n.)
A group og people born and living at about the same time
My children will be of another generation than I am.
Deduce (v.)
Að komast að niðurstöðu útfrá ákveðnum vísbendingum
Draw a logical conclusion
When Isaac Newton got hit in the head by an apple, he deduced that there was some kind of force acting on it (gravity).
Evolve (v.)
Að þróast
To develop gradually
Since the 1950s, technology has evolved a lot.
Facilitate (v.)
Að auðvelda
To make something easier
Using my phone to write flashcards facilitates this process quite much.
Abandon (v.)
Að yfirgefa (í samhengi textans: að hætta við)
To give up the idea of doing something
A few years ago I wanted to become a photographer, but that plan has been abandoned.
Fundamental (adj.)
Basic; primary
Learning to read is one of the fundamental skills you have to learn before you go to school.
Intrinsically (adv.)
as a basic or fundamental quality; inherently
Human brains instrinsically work the same, but somehow at the same time, they don’t…
Analogous (adj.)
Similar; nearly the same
Grétar is trying his best to learn the names in our class, although some names here are quite analogous.
Likewise (adv.)
Á sama hátt
In the same way; also
Distort (v.)
To twist something
When you look at something far away from you, it might seem distorted.
Identical (adj.)
Nákvæmlega eins
Exactly the same as something else
Twins often look identical.
Convey (v.)
Að miðla?
To express or communicate something.
Facial expressions can convey feelings and emotions.
Notion (n.)
Skoðun / hugmynd
A belief, idea or opinion
Some teenagers show a notion of frustration in every situation, even when they’re happy.
Denote (v.)
Að gefa eitthvað til kynna
To indicate something
The expression on her face denoted that she was angry.
Conflict (v.)
A state of tension
I saw a great conflict in his eyes… like he wanted to hurt someone.
Flexible (adj.)
Being able to be bent
The iPhone 6 was a really flexible device… at least it could bend quite easily.
Modifiable (adj.)
The Toyota Land Cruiser is a popular car in Iceland, and it can be modified a lot.
Mental (adj.)
Having to do with the mind
Many Icelandic teenagers have to deal with bad mental health.
Þar að auki
In addition; also
Currently we’re working on vocabulary, but furthermore I’ll have to work on my grammar a bit.
Að láta í ljós
To uncover or display something openly.
When kids don’t get what they want, some reveal anger or frustration.
Ómerkilegt/ekki mikilvægt?
Of little importance or worth.
Money should be a marginal factor when you go to school.
meðvitund um eitthvað
A knowledge about something
Many vegans spread awareness of the mistreating of animals.
A particular way that something is done.
Dogs have a different style of eating than humans.
Geta til einhvers
The ability to do something
Native English speakers have the capacity to understand english better than non-native english speakers.
Greina frá
To find the differences between things
Even young children are capable to differetiate emotions based on facial expressions.
To discover or notice something
A long time ago, some Greek genius detected movement in the stars. Then he thought about it… because the Greeks invented thinking.
Clearly and concisely expressed.
Displaying an angry face is an definite way of expressing anger.
(Almenn) regla/venja
The usual or expected result or behavior.
Donald Trump’s behavior is certainly out of the norm.
Difference from what is expected.
Being rude to the waiter at a restaurant is a deviation from the norm.
Láta í ljós
To show or exhibit something
Displaying an angry face is an definite way of expressing anger.
Eitthvað sem er byggt á eiginleikum, ekki magni?
Based on a quality rather than on a quantity.
I try to live a qualitative life
To pretend to be something that one is not
Everyone put on their posed smiles to look fresh on the image.
Að sýna
To show or display something.
The eyebrows can exhibit all sorts of feeling and emotions, depending on how they’re used.
Something that is equal or the same.
1 Euro and 1 Dollar are not equivalent.
Að fela í sér
To include; to contain
Many English words are comprised of words from Latin.
Að vera fær um eitthvað
Having the ability to do something
Usain Bolt is capable of running really fast.