Chapter 17 Flashcards
Collapse (n)
A loss of ability to hold up; descent into ruin.
The sudden collapse of Wow Air is not good for the Icelandic economic system.
Duration (n)
The time that something continues to exist.
The duration of our trip to Tenerife is two weeks.
Layer (n)
Something that is placed on or in between other things.
I think we need to add another layer of paint to this wall.
Phenomenon (n)
An occurance or fact that can be perceived by the senses
This phenomenon is absoulutely phenomenal.
Version (n)
A different form or variation of something.
Recently, a new version of iOS was released.
Accumulate (v)
Safna/taka saman
To collect in one place
Árni Magnússon managed to accumulate a lot of old Icelandic sagas. Unfortunately, in 1728, some of them burned in København.
Attain (v)
Ná (takmarki)
To reach or achieve something.
Bill attained his goal of getting a good grade in maths.
Clarify (v)
To make somethine clear
Excuse me, could you clarify that?
Coincide (v)
Vera á sama tíma
To happen at the same time.
Conceive (v)
Fá hugmynd
To think of something original.
Who first conceived the idea of the wheel?
Confirm (v)
To make sure of something by checking again.
I can confirm your statement, sir.
Conform (v)
To act in the same manner as others.
Diminish (n)
Að minnka
To decrease.
Displace (v)
Að færa úr stað.
To remove something from its usual place.
Find (v)
Að finna
To discover something
Columbus did not find America.
Inhibit (v)
Hindra, hamla
To stop or slow down
Some drugs can inhibit normal bodily activity.
Invoke (v)
To mention something as proof or justification.
Overlap (v)
To share some of the same aspects as something else
His authority and mine overlap.
Precede (v)
Vera á undan
To come before something.
Revise (v)
To adjust or modify something
I bought a revised edition of the book.
Trigger (v)
Að hrinda einhverju af stað
To start a reaction
This creepy sight triggered some very weird feelings in Andy’s head.
Dramatic (adj)
Striking; forceful
In fact, this dramatic change in his life led to some great things.
Empirical (adj)
Reynslu-; raun-
Observable; based on knowledge of the real world.
Enormous (adj)
I sometimes get enourmous pimples.
Logical (adj)
By going to Tækniskólinn, Harry made a very logical decision.
Reverse (adj)
Backward or opposite
Since the internet was invented, it has been an easy task to contact people on the reverse side of the globe.
So-called (adj)
Usually known as
This new trend, so-called veganism has become very popular recently.
Sole (adj)
(Hinn) eini
Being the only one
the sole cause of the accident.
Widespread (adj)
Covering a large area
a widespread disease
Whereby (conj)
Þar með?
By means of which; through which