Chapter 19 Flashcards
Advocate (n)
Talsmaður/baráttumaður fyrir málstað
A worker for a cause; supporter
Greta Thunberg is a advocate for climate change
Chart (n)
a map or display of information
Consent (n)
Samþykkja; veita leyfi
One’s permission to do or allow something
Criteria (pl.) (n)
Rules used to judge something; a standard of measurement
Teachers have to have the same criteria for every student when grading essays.
Discrimination (n)
Unfair or unequal treatment
Racial discrimination should be a thing of the past, but unfortunately it is not in some parts of the world.
File (n)
An organized body of information
Michael creates a new file for every task he does at work.
Gender (n)
The classification of male or female
Some say that there are only two genders, while others don’t agree with that.
Index (n)
T.d. atriðisorðaskrá
An alphabetical or otherwise organized list
To look for information in books can be done by looking at the index.
Insight (n)
The ability to know the true nature of something
This chapter should give you a good insight about information science and technology.
Integrity (n)
Strong morals; honesty
If you play Flight of the Bumblebee at immense speed, you might lose the musical integrity, because you forget about the dinamics of the piece.
Mode (n)
A manner or way of doing something.
Planes are a popular mode of traveling.
Reluctance (n)
Tregða (til einhvers)
An unwillingness to do something
Restoration (n)
Að endurgera
The act of returning something to its former condition.
Notre Dam needs a lot of restoration to look the same as before.
Route (n)
A path along which one proceeds.
Sphere (n)
An area; circle of influence.
Theme (n)
A central idea
Topic (n)
A subject of writing or conversation
The teacher told us to write about only one if the five suggested topics.
Accompany (v)
Fylgja; vinna með?
To associate with or connect to
The pianist accompanied the violinist in two pieces.
Adjust (v)
Breyta; bæta
To change something so that it fits or works better
Martin slighty adjusted the tuners on the guitar to obtain a better tuning.
Amend (v)
Laga; leiðrétta (hvernig e-h er orðað)
To make a change or modification
It’s possible to amend the sentence a bit if needed.
Appreciate (v)
Gera sér (fulla) grein fyrir
To fully understand or realize something.
It’s crucial to fully appreciate the true meaning of this word to pass the final exam.
Assure (v)
Tryggja; fullvissa
To guarantee or pledge
I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you.
Cease (v)
Að hætta
To stop
Commence (v)
Að byrja
To begin
Compile (v)
Safna saman
To put together item by item
Lucy compiled a whole bunch of information in her essay.
Contradict (v)
Mótmæla; andmæla
To say the opposite of a statement
Convince (v)
To persuade
Max tried to convince everyone that he was right.
Deny (v)
To refuse to give
Draft (v)
Að gera uppkast að einhverju
To draw the plans for something
Before they began working on the project, they drafted the structure of it.
Mediate (v)
Derives from the word “media”
Miðla málum; semja um frið
To help both sides on reaching an agreement
An outsider was brought in to mediate between the disputing factions.
Negate (v)
Neita; hafna
To cancel out or deny
Prohibit (v)
Banna (með lögum); koma í veg fyrir e-h.
To forbid; prevent something from happening
Smoking is strictly provented in schools.
Reinforce (v)
Re = lýta á aftur
Inforce = gera betra
Efla (e-h í seinni tíð)
To make something stronger or more effective; strenghten
Sum (v)
Taka saman
To briefly go back over the main points; summarize
To sum it up… dunno
Arbitrary (adj)
Ákveðinn að eigin vild
Governing however one wants; despotic
A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions.
Civilian (adj)
Óbreyttur borgari
Describing a person who is not in the military
In war, it is illegal to kill civilians.
Concurrent (adj)
Happening at the same time
Explicit (adj)
Skýr; ljós
Giving every detail openly
Rigid (adj)
Strangur, ósveigjanlegur
Strictly interpreted or enforced
Straightforward (adj)
Clear and direct; without complications.
Technical (adj)
Related to a systematical, specialized procedure
The process is quite technical, but it’s doable.
Conversely (adv)
Öfugt; gagnstætt
In a contrasting way