Chapter 16 Flashcards
Inevitably (adv.)
Anticipate (v)
Bregðast við einhverju með fyrirvara
To deal with something beforehand; foresee
Our climate is changing, and we must anticipate everything now.
Adjacent (adj.)
Aðlægt, aðliggjandi
Located next to something; nearby
We can calculate the adjacent side using cosine.
Convert (v)
To change the condition of something; transform
Tim converted the RAW file into a JPEG file using Adobe Lightroom.
Incline (v)
Hallast að einhverju
Lean toward or be more likely to do something.
Confine (v)
Takmarka; afmarka
To keep something within certain limits
Geothermal energy is confined to a limited area.
Automatically (adv)
Without outside influence or control; mechanically.
Tesla cars drive automatically.
Integral (adj)
Necessary; essential for completeness
Persistent (adj)
Continuing to exist for a long time; ongoing
Erosion (n)
Rof; veðrun
The wearing or washing away of something, most commonly soil
Eventually (adv)
Að lokum
At some later date; over time
Eventually, life on Earth will disappear in some way or another.
Fluctuation (n)
Sveifla; óstöðugleiki
A rising and falling change
Tidal waves always fluctuate much.
Restrain (v)
Halda aftur af
To hold back or restrict movement
The man restrained his kid from running away.
Successive (adj.)
Hver á eftir öðrum
Following one after another
Liverpool won 11 successive games.
Minimum (adj)
Being the least amount of something
When the man fell, he tried to land on his feet to guarantee minimum injuries.
Couple (n)
A pair of something
Hannah found a couple of cool vinyl records at the record store.
Supplement (n)
Something extra
Vitamin is a food supplement.
Paradigm (n)
An example used as a model
Passive (adj)
Needing no special equipment or technology in order to function.
Complement (v)
Að fullkomna
To make an appropriate addition to something.
The amazing cover artwork really complements the music on this album.
Panel (n)
A flat rectangular piece forming part of a surface.
Solar panels are very popular nowadays.
Trace (v)
Að rekja
To follow the history or development of something
Uniform (adj.)
Always the same; unvarying
Vehicle (n)
A device for transporting people or things
Cars are very popular vehicles in Iceland.
Release (v)
To let go of something
Predominant (adj)
Her predominant characteristic is her friendliness.
Contemporary (adj)
Of today; modern
Nuclear (adj)
Relating to power generated by atomic fission or fusion.
Offset (v)
Vega á móti
counteract (something) by having an equal and opposite force or effect; balance
Sequence (n)
a particular order in which related things follow each other
Bach often included nice sequences in his music.
Scenario (n)
a postulated sequence or development of events.
The film had an interesting scenario.
Thereby (adv)
Þar af leiðandi
by that means; as a result of that.
Eliminate (v)
Útrýma; fjarlægja
completely remove or get rid of (something).
We cannot eliminate every environmental problem.
Controversy (n)
prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.
Controversy always follows political beliefs.
Federal (adj)
having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.
Subsidy (n)
Styrkur frá opinberum aðila
a sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low.
Minimize (v)
Reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree.
The amount of fossil fuel driven cars has to be minimized.
Ministry (n)
a government department headed by a minister.
In the world of Harry Potter, there is a thing called The Ministry of Magic.
Forthcoming (adj)
about to happen or appear.
Many crossfitters are getting ready for the forthcoming Crossfit Games.
Nontheless (adv)
Engu að síður
I built my tower very precisely, nonetheless, it is falling.
Crucial (adj)
decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
A good base is crucial for a great tower.
Comprehensive (adj)
Of large content or scope; wide-ranging.
We are looking for comprehensive solutions to build longer lasting towers.
Coherent (adj)
Í samhengi; samhangandi
(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.
Initiative (n)
Frumkvæði; framtakssemi
the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
I built a tower out of flashcards before anyone else in this classroom. Therefore, I’ve got very good initiative.