Chapter 9 Flashcards
Performance Management
Continuous cycle of improving job performance with goal setting, feedback and coaching, and rewards and positive reinforcement
Line of Sight
Employees know the organization’s strategic goals and how they need to contribute
Performance Outcome Goal
Targets a specific end result
Learning Goal
Encourages learning, creativity, and skill development
Management by Objectives
Management system incorporating participation into decision making, goal setting, and feedback
360-degree feedback
comparison of anonymous feedback from one’s superior subordinates, and peers with self-perceptions
Extrinsic Rewards
Financial material, or social rewards form the environment
Intrinsic Rewards
Self-granted, psychic rewards
Pay for Performance
Monetary incentives tied to one’s results or accomplishments
Law of Effect
Behavior with favorable consequences is repeated: behavior with unfavorable consequences disappears
Respondent Behaviors
Skinner’s term for unlearned stimulus-response reflexes
Operant Behavior
Skinner’s term for learned, consequence shaped behavior
Positive Reinforcement
Making behavior occur more often by contingently presenting something positive
Negative Reinforcement
Making behavior occur more often by contingently withdrawing something negative
Making a behavior occur less often by ignoring or not reinforcing it