Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is leadership?
Getting group members to achieve the group’s goals.
What is leader categorisation theory?
We have a variety of schemas about how different types of leaders behave in different leadership situations. When a leader is categorised as a particular type of leader, the schema fills in details about how that leader will behave.
What is the social identity theory of leadership?
Development of social identity theory to explain leadership as an identity process whereby, in salient groups, prototypical leaders are more effective than less prototypical leaders.
What is the group value model?
View that procedural justice within groups makes members feel valued, and thus leads to enhanced commitment to and identification with the group.
What is the relational model of authority in groups?
Tyler’s account of how effective authority in groups rests upon fairness- and justice-based relations between leader and followers.
What is distributive justice?
The fairness of the outcome of a decision.
What is procedural justice?
The fairness of the procedures used to make a decision.
What is a social dilemma?
Situations in which short-term personal gain is at odds with the long-term good of the group.
What is a glass ceiling?
An invisible barrier that prevents women, and minorities in general, from attaining top leadership positions.
What is role congruity theory?
Mainly applied to the gender gap in leadership – because social stereotypes of women are inconsistent with people’s schemas of effective leadership, women are evaluated as poor leaders.
What is stereotype threat?
Feeling that we will be judged and treated in terms of negative stereotypes of our group, and that we will inadvertently confirm these stereotypes through our behaviour.
What is a glass cliff?
The tendency for women rather than men to be appointed to precarious leadership positions associated with a high probability of failure and criticism.
What are social decisions schemas?
Explicit or implicit decision-making rules that relate individual opinions to a final group decision.
What is a social transition scheme?
Method for charting incremental changes in member opinions as a group moves towards a final decision.
What is brainstorming?
Uninhibited generation of as many ideas as possible in a group, in order to enhance group creativity. Originates from the idea that we produce more and better ideas than alone.
What is production blocking?
Reduction in individual creativity and productivity in brainstorming groups due to interruptions and turn taking.
What is the illusion of group effectivity?
Experience-based belief that we produce more and better ideas in groups than alone.
What is groupthink?
A mode of thinking in highly cohesive groups in which the desire to reach unanimous agreement overrides the motivation to adopt proper rational decision-making procedures. Often enhanced with external threat and task complexity.
What is a risky shift?
Tendency for group discussion to produce group decisions that are more risky than the mean of members’ pre-discussion opinions, but only if the pre-discussion mean already favoured risk.
What is group polarisation?
Tendency for group discussion to produce more extreme group decisions than the mean of members’ pre-discussion opinions, in the direction favoured by the mean. Not necessarily risky shift
What is the persuasive arguments theory?
View that people in groups are persuaded by novel information that supports their initial position, and thus become more extreme in their endorsement of their initial position.
What is cultural values theory?
The view that people in groups use members’ opinions about the position valued in the wider culture, and then adjust their views in that direction for social approval reasons.
What are the problems with brainstorming?
- Evaluation Apprehension - concern on making a good impression
- Social loafing + free-riding
- Production matching - average = performance norm > regression to the mean, “i said three things, they said nothing, ill give them time to speak”
- Production blocking - interruptions + turn-taking
What group characteristics enhance groupthink?
- Excessive cohesiveness
- Ideological homogeneity
- Insulation from external information/influence
- Lack of unbiased leadership
- Lack of proper procedural norms
How may group polarisation be formed?
- It may be viewed as a regular conformity phenomenon
- Likely due to people in discussion groups converging on what “we” think and contrasting away from what “others” think
Whats the difference between leader or boss?
Driving vs. coaching employees, with influence based on goodwill vs authority, motivation through instilling enthusiasm vs fear, directing by asking vs commanding, speaking on we vs I
What is intergroup leadership?
Leadership focused on competing against other groups while leading their own