Chapter 9 Flashcards
Global Perspectives - African Ostinato Forms
Age of Absolutism
decreasing power of the church, rise of absolute monarchs (Louis XIV)
- royal patronage of the arts- arts paid by royalty
- music required for court life- many musicians worked in courts- ceremonies, banquets
- opera associated with courts- courts paid for opera
Age of science
focus on scientific methods
- scales tempered more precisely
- systematic use of harmony
- regularity in rhythm
- emotions (affects) analyzed and classified and associated with certain musical ideas, different emotions on different keys/ melodic ideas
careers for musicians
- church composers
- court composers- biggest career at this time
- opera house musicians- usually singers were stars
Harmonic rhythm
the rate at which harmony (chords) change, steady in Baroque era, makes sense
basic orchestra
string orchestra (Violin I and II, Viola, Cello, Bass) with continuo
Festive orchestra
more elaborate version of basic orchestra plus brass, woodwinds, and percussion - used for festive occasions, often in the courts
repeating figure that changes in some way
paired with virtuosity, addition of fast notes, motives, etc. to melody, often improvised, variation