Chapter 1 Flashcards
Rhythm, meter, and tempo
The way music unfolds in time
Regular background pulse
Extra emphasis on beats
Regular, recurring pattern
Accented and unaccented (strong/weak)
What are the different types of meters?
Duple meter
one two I one two I one two
Triple meter
One two three I one two three
Quadruple meter
ONE two THREE four
Simple and compound
Simple = beats divided in twos
Compound = beats divided in threes
“Row, row, row your boat”
Rhythm vs. meter
meter as background; rhythm as foreground
Displaces accents
Speed of music
tempo indications
Largo = very slow
Lento = slow
Adagio = slow, at ease
Adante = walking speed
Moderato = moderate speed
Allegro = fast, cheerful
Vivace = quick, lively
Presto = extremely fast
Metronome markings
Specific numbers in music
example: quarter note = 60