Chapter 9 Flashcards
is learning to change the performance of people doing jobs
is learning to change the performance of people doing jobs
Franco, 1991
it is undertaken to improve the capabilities of people in their present
work and to prepare them for future task assignment.
There are three approaches to training
➢ Traditional approach
➢ Experiential approach
➢ Performance-based approach
The training staff designs the objectives, contents, teaching techniques,
assignments, lesson plan, motivation, tests, and evaluation. Then focus in this
model is intervention by the training staff.
Traditional approach
The trainer incorporates experiences where in the learner becomes active and
influences the training process.
Experiential Approach
The goal are measured through attainment of a given level of proficiency
instead of passing grades of the trainings
Performance-based Approach
Types of training
Preservice training
Degree level
Diploma level
Inservice training
Is more academic in nature and is offered by formal institutions following definite
curricula and syllabuses for a certain duration to offer a formal degree or diploma.
Preservice Training
Two types of preservice training
Degree level
Diploma level
at least bachelor’s degree in agriculture or related field, which is usually
offered for four years by a university or agricultural college.
Degree level
which is mostly offered by the schools of agriculture for a period of two to
three years.
Diploma level
Is a process of staff development for the purpose of improving the performance of an
incumbent holding a position with assigned job responsibilities
Inservice Training
Inservice Training broadly categorized into five different types
✓ Induction or Orientation Training
✓ Foundation Training
✓ On-the-job Training
✓ Refresher or maintenance Training
✓ Career Development Training
is given immediately after employment to introduce the new
extension staff members to their position. It begins on the first day the new
employee is on the job.
Induction training
Every staff member was trained in acquiring some professional knowledge about
various rules and regulations of the government, financial transactions,
administrative capability, communication skills, leadership ability, coordination and
cooperation among institutions and their linkage mechanism, report writing and
so on.
This training is offered to update and maintain the specialized subject matter
knowledge of the incumbents.
Maintenance or Refresher Training
It deals with new information and new methods, as well as review of older
Maintenance or Refresher Training
This training is generally problem or technology oriented and may include formal
presentations, informal discussion, and opportunities to try out new skills and
knowledge in the field
It is designed to upgrade the knowledge, skills, and ability of employees to help
them assume greater responsibility in higher positions.
The training is arranged departmentally for successful extension workers, at all
level, for their own continuing education and professional development.
During this stage, the composition of the
Training Management Team (TMT) is identified.
a summative evaluation
and follow- up activities are undertaken. A summative evaluation is conducted at
the end of the training by the management staff and participants.
The major purpose of evaluation is to review the present situation in
comparison with the situation at the initiation of the program in order to determine
the effectiveness and efficiency of the means used in the activities undertaken.
involves the collection of relevant and useful date while the
training program is being conducted
these are more complicated to plan and carry out
than any of those already mentioned. They are broader in scope
Extension studies
these include further checking on our observations. It
involves talking with others, writing to others for their judgement, sending out a
brief questionnaire , having one filled out at a meeting , and so on
Self-checking evaluation
is done after at the end of program and makes an overall
assessment of its effectiveness in relation to achieving the objectives and goals.
they are the ones we ordinarily make without much
consideration of the principles of evaluation in the decisions we make about simple
. Casual, everyday evaluation
these involve more planning and application
of the principles of evaluation. They are more systematically done,
more carefully planned and usually require some technical help
Do it yourself evaluation
measures status after activity has begun
Progress stage-
involve very complex problems and techniques for
getting information from which conclusion can be drawn
Scientific research-
measure situation before activity is begun
this could be the base of comparison for new
action to broaden the understanding of the technician of the area or group with
which he is working.
. Establishing a new benchmark
measures the situation to determine if final goals have been reached.
Final goal
if the evaluation indicates that the
objectives or goals were not reached, then the question might arise as to which
was wrong, the means used or the expectations held by the technician
regarding the results of the means applied.
Determining the redirection of activities
doubts create uncertainty , which is an
uncomfortable and unsettling feeling. Evaluation, because it points out actual
accomplishments and may give valid reasons for non- accomplishment, does
much to relieve the technician of this uncertainty
A feeling of security for the technician