Chapter 8.3 Flight Procedures Flashcards
When can you deviate for an ATC clearance?
8.3 ATC Procedures
All ATC clearances and instructions shall be fully complied with unless:
An emergency exists which requires deviation from the clearance.
The crew deems that to adhere to the clearance would be hazardous under the existing conditions.
Should deviation from an assigned altitude, track or instruction be necessary, an amended ATC clearance shall be obtained, unless an emergency exists requiring immediate action. In the event of such a deviation, ATC shall be informed as soon as practicable.
What is the No contact period? No Contact Period
On departure, the phase starts from the take-off roll and ends when the landing gear retracts.
On arrival, the phase starts from the extension of the landing gear and ends when the aircraft vacates the runway.
Cabin Crew including the purser and SFS shall not contact the Flight Crew. Abnormalities/Emergencies should be communicated to the Purser/SFS.
How do you report departure delays?
8.3.0. Delay Reporting Procedures
When a delay occurs before door closure, flight crew shall agree the delay reasons with the Puser before the KIS report is sent.
When a delay occurs after door closure, flight crew shall send an ACARS message after reaching Top-Of-Climb, addressed to SITA address “DXBOWEK”.
How do you give a 20mins top?
8.3.21 Cabin Crew Communication
The Purser shall be informed via interphone or personally, when twenty minutes remain to Top of Descent.
What happens when you give the “this is the captain, purser to the flight deck” call? “This is the Captain, Purser to the Flight Deck” Call
When hearing the “This is the Captain, Purser to Flight Deck” call, the Purser, or nominated delegate will go to the flight deck immediately.
The remaining cabin crew will clear the cabin of all trolleys, return to their allocated cabin station, review their Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual, and await a briefing call from either the Purser or the Commander.
What at the preferred appr selections:
- 3.18 Policy on the Use of Autopilot/Autothrottle
- 3.18.3 Approach Type Selection
1-ILS or RNAV 2-RNAV Visual (RVFP) 3-LOC 4-VOR 5-NDB 6-Radar Vector to Visual Approach 7-Circling Approach * prohibited at night
When choosing a preferred approach, what are your considerations?
Chose the preferred appr base on
Safety first
Efficient second
What are the emergency PA from cockpit to cabin crew? Emergency Landing or Ditching
In case of an anticipated emergency landing the Commander shall summon the Purser to the cockpit by announcing: “Purser to the flight deck”
At approximately 2000 ft AGL “This is the Captain, Attention Crew at Stations”.
At approximately 500 ft AGL: “This is the Captain, Brace, Brace”.
The Commander initiates the evacuation with the call: “This is the Captain, Evacuate, Evacuate”.
When state of alert no longer exists, he shall announce: “This is the Captain, cabin crew revert to normal operations”.
What are the normal pre departure pax PAs?
The ASM must inform the commander of any delay exceeding 5mins and a PA to the pax informing of the delay
Welcome PA 10-15 mins prior to ETD.
Any delays after door closure.
What is the emergency descent PAs. Depressurisation or Rapid Descent
If an explosive decompression occurs, cabin crew should remain seated until advised that it is safe to do otherwise.
Where time permits, the announcement “This is the Captain, descent, descent” will be made to the cabin.
When the aircraft has levelled off, the Commander will make the following announcement: “This is the Captain. We have had to perform a rapid descent” followed by:
If oxygen is still required:
“You must remain seated and continue to wear your oxygen masks. Cabin crew may move in the cabin using portable oxygen.”
If oxygen is no longer required:
“You must remain seated, oxygen is no longer required and you may remove your oxygen masks. Cabin crew may move in the cabin.”
Where do you find info on normal PAs emergency PAs and security PAs
- 3.16 Passenger Briefings - normal and emergency PAs
- Security PA - Red warnings
FCOM - supp precautionary disembarkation
What must you do if a pax is smoking on board?
Delegate to purser or sfs: Smoking on Board
If a passenger is observed, or believed to have been smoking in the cabin or toilets, the cabin crew shall instruct the passenger accordingly. If the instructions from the cabin crew are not followed, the Purser shall issue a formal warning to the passenger, and advise the Commander. The Purser shall also raise a VR.
What must you do if a pax tampers with a smoke detector? Smoking on Board
Tampering with any smoke detector is a serious and hazardous act and therefore if a passenger is believed to have done so, the act shall be treated as a safety issue and the Commander must be notified immediately who in turn will
notify Network Control to request for police to meet the aircraft on arrival. The Purser shall raise a VR for all such events.
When would you suspect a crew incapacitation
Incapacitation must be suspected when a flight crew member does not respond to:
Two verbal communications when above 1000 ft AGL.
One verbal communication when below 1000 ft AGL.
Any verbal communication associated with significant deviation from the intended flight path.
What are some of the rules for the CRC? Use of the Crew Rest Compartment (CRC)
No food
No intercom calls unless an emergency
Wake up 20mins prior to duty
Cabin crew from rear galley to do the wake up
Only purser or flight deck can change temp
Can passengers visit the flight deck?
8.3.12 Admission to the Flight Deck
Visits by passengers to the flight deck are not permitted.
What activities may the augment crew perform when not at the controls? Augmenting Crew Responsibilities
The responsibilities of augmenting crew members include participation in pre-flight and post flight briefings and flight planning.
Whilst on board the aircraft, and not resting:
To participate in flight deck briefings and to actively monitor the flight path of the aircraft and the actions of the PF and PM.
To maintain a situational and operational awareness.
To bring to the attention of the operating crew any abnormalities or departure from SOPs OR previously briefed intentions.
To carry out any duties delegated by the Commander.
Note 1:
Use of the augmenting crew to assist with flight preparation and other duties does not absolve any operating pilot of his SOP defined responsibilities. Care must be taken to ensure that no aspects of any operational responsibilities are overlooked.
Note 2: Augmenting crew members shall not be delegated the task of calculating take-off performance data.
Post controlled rest, what confirmation should take place? Controlled Rest – Procedures
Call to ATC confirming Clarence altitude
What wind speed should you consider AD closed? Dispatch Policy
If surface mean wind speeds of 60 kts or above are reported, the aerodrome shall be considered closed.
Can dispatch plan you through an area of TC?
Dispatch Policy
Flights should not be dispatched or operated into or through areas of reported or forecast hazardous weather conditions.
Who far should you avoid strong radar echoes? Thunderstorms
Strong Weather Radar echoes shall be avoided by at least 10 nm at or below FL200, and by at least 20 nm above FL200.
In addition to FCOM limits what are some of the limits for T/O and Landings on contaminated Rhys?
Maximum take-off thrust must be used on contaminated runways.
Take-off is prohibited on icy runways considered contaminated as per c.
Take-off or landing is prohibited on runways covered with more than
13 mm of standing wateror slush,
25 mm of wet snow
100 mm of dry snow
When and how do you report a delay? Delay Reporting Procedures
When a delay occurs before door closure, flight crew shall agree the delay reasons with the Puser before the KIS report is sent.
When a delay occurs after door closure, flight crew shall send an ACARS message after reaching Top-Of-Climb, addressed to SITA address “DXBOWEK”.
Durning push back or two ops, who is responsible for the aircraft? Departure from Parking Position
During pushback or towing operations, the responsibility for the operation and safety of the aircraft rests with the ground personnel.
How do you know when it’s clear for taxi after engine start? Aircraft Pushback and Engine Start
One crew member shall acknowledge that the aircraft is clear before commencement of taxi. This confirmation will normally be signalled by the ground engineer holding the steering by-pass pin with one hand for the crew to see, and giving a thumbs-up signal with his other hand. The crew member will acknowledge this “All Clear” signal by returning a thumbs-up signal to the ground engineer.
Note in Taxi
The parking brake shall remain set until:
Both operating crew members confirm the ‘All clear’ signal has been sighted; and
Observations before setting the parking brake?
The aircraft must be stationary
Push and hold procedures require what reporting?
Where push and hold procedures have been used, only one Tech Log Entry and Voyage Report is required, with the Off Blocks time recorded as the initial pushback time.
During taxi ATC give a Rwy change what must you do?
Request same Rwy to avoid delays, fuel burn and recalculation so, if this is unavoidable then: Runway/Intersection Changes
Should a runway change occur, flight crew shall stop the aircraft and accomplish the following:
The take-off data shall be recalculated using the FCOM procedures.
If the take-off is not performance limited, use the same flap setting as originally planned as this will reduce the required actions and configuration changes.
Make the necessary FMC/MCDU and MCP/FCU changes and ensure the correct flap position and stab trim setting.
Brief any change in departure, noise abatement or Engine-Out-Procedure (EOP) procedure.
Initiate a new Take-off Review and action the Before Take-off checklist from the beginning.
If an intersection TO is to be preformed from an intersection that is not available on TOPA what are you options?
You can choose a TOPA intersection that is further down the Rwy resulting in a more conservative TORA or request a different intersection. If fails: Take-off
Take-off may be performed from an intersection provided performance data from the point of intended take-off is line selectable from the take-off performance application, otherwise confirmation of TORA from the intended intersection shall be obtained from Flight Dispatch.
When can the purser initiate an evacuation? Evacuation
If no announcements come from the flight deck, the pilots may be considered incapacitated. The Purser should attempt to contact the flight deck, by interphone or in person to obtain instructions. If no order is received from the flight deck and the need for an immediate evacuation is evident, the Purser may initiate evacuation immediately.
What is the minimum hight to commence a turn
No turn shall be initiated below 500 ft AGL, unless specifically required by the SID, or by obstacles or noise abatement procedures.
What rate of descent shall not be exceeded excepting momentary excursions of a few seconds where indications are that the rate will return within limits.
Where an FMS or a procedural vertical profile requires greater rates, then the reasons and conditions shall be briefed.
Above 5,000 ft AGL - 5000 fpm
Above 3,000 ft AGL - 3000 fpm
Above1,000 ft AGL - 2000 fpm
Below1,000 ft AGL - 1000 fpm