Chapter 8 Test Flashcards
The verse “All things were made by him and without was not anything made that was made” John 1:3 most directly supports
Biblical creationism
The term global flood means that a flood of water
covered the entire earth
Where can you fin da complete and uninterrupted fossil record?
Most of the mutations observed today are
loss of function mutations
The theory that biological evolution occurs very rapidly at certain times but very slowly at other times
punctuated equilibrium
People who promote the theory of intelligent design believe
that life shows evidence of design
A genealogy is
a family tree that lists who had whom as offspring
Used generally, the term biological evolution refers to
the changing of organisms to become improved or more complex
The person most noted for the evolutionary theory of mutations is
De Vries
Darwin’s theory of natural selection includes
- more young are produced than can remain alive
- Individuals in a species compete with each other for available resources
- The individuals with the best characteristics to obtain the resources they need will survive
The basic difference between creationists and evolutionists
Creationists accept the Bible as truth, while evolutionists reject the Bible
Changes that help an organism survive
A traits that is caused by an organism’s environment. The organism was not born with it.
Inheritance of acquired characteristics
This is how God created plants and animals
He spoke them into existence
This is how God created man
He formed him and breathed life into him
They believe that dinosaurs became extinct before modern humans evolved
Evolutionary biologists
To be useful for evolution, mutations must occur in ______ _______
germ cells
The idea that newer organisms are the modified descendants of much older organisms
Descent with modification
The change of one kind of organism into another kind of organism over many generations
Biological evolution
Natural selection works only for characteristics already in ________
Family trees that indicate how organisms supposedly evolved from common ancestors are called
evolutionary family tree
The forming of new species
The belief that the physical universe was created by God
biblical creationism
The belief that the physical universe was developed by chance
The belief that each day of Creation was 24 hours long
literal view
The belief that each day of Creation was a long period of time, maybe thousands of years
long-day theory
The belief that there were two separate creations by God
gap theory
The belief that god created new groups of species at widely spaced intervals
progressive creationism
A genetic change that can be passed down to offspring
germ mutation
The idea that the environment selects trains that best enable organisms to survive in the environment
theory of natural selection
An organism that evolutionists claims has different groups of organisms as its offspring
common ancestor
An organism that probably never existed but is needed to fill out the evolutionary path of other organisms
missing link
A record of past living things
fossil record
Similar structures that evolutionists say are best explained by common ancestry
homologous structures
Structures that, according to evolutionists, no longer have a major function
vestigial structures
“Giraffes have long necks because there was a drought in their habitat, and they had to start stretching their necks to reach leaves at the top of trees”
“My most famous work is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,”
“During some of my experiments, I notice sudden changes in certain plants. I believe that these changes, that I call mutations, allow for evolution.”
De Vries
The islands where Darwin observed finches and giant tortoises