Chapter 7 Test Flashcards
Since the call of mankind, creation has
undergone degeneration
The process of producing human clones to provide cells for the treatment of a disease
therapeutic cloning
Genetic engineering could be used for __________ or __________
good; evil
How do scientists use genetic engineering to produce insulin for a person with diabetes?
They place the gene for human insulin into the bacteria’s DNA and collect the insulin that the bacteria produced
The types of mutation that affect the offspring
polyploid, gern, chromosomal
To develop a new breed of dog (like the best breed ever - goldendoodle), a breeder selects and mates dogs from different breeds that have the characteristics he wants in the new breed.
Cells that can become many different types of cells
Stem cells
Splitting frog or pig zygotes is a step in
John and Mary are 12 year old twins. What kind of twins are they?
The Human Genome Project is a scientific effort to
map all human genes
Natural human clones are called
identical twins
Why might a farmer clone one of the plants in his crop?
because it has a desirable trait that he wants to maintain
Fraternal twins
have the same parents
An example of a germ mutation is an
egg cell mutation
This attempts to preserve the special characteristics of a breed.
A gene mutation may result in an ___________ _____________ being produced
incorrect protein
Many mutations produce _____ __________ _________ in an organism
no noticeable effect
Clones are more common in the ________ kingdom than in the animal kingdom.
The average human life span has __________ since the time of the flood
Humans are different from all other organisms in that they have a ________ _________
spiritual nature
Occurs in cells that produce gametes
germ mutation
Causes the death of an organism
lethal mutation
A change in the number of genes on a chromosome
chromosomal change
A change in the sequence of bases that make up a gene
gene mutation
Occurs in body cells
somatic mutation
Caused by a mutation that affect pigments
The choosing of organisms with desirable traits for breeding
selective breeding
The mating of an organism with a close relative
The use of special techniques to control the genetic makeup of an organism
genetic engineering
A group of genetically identical organisms
The result of a pregnancy in which two sperm united with two different eggs and form two genetically unique organisms
fraternal twins
A complete set of an organism’s genes
A change in an organism’s genetic material is called a _______________
Cloning is a form of _______________ reproduction
The use of genetic engineering to correct the defective genes responsible for certain diseases is called ________ _________
gene therapy
The use of living organisms to make a new, more desirable organism or product is called _________________
These kind of stems cells are already being used to treat many different diseases
Somatic stem cells
Mutations can sometimes be __________