Chapter 8 Stimulus Control And Behavior Flashcards
Under stimulus discrimination which of the two stimuli is more likely to be picked ( think pigeon with white triangle and red background)
You can’t say as it changes from subject to subject
Stimulus discrimination
Differential responding to to two stimuli
Same as stimulus control b/c one can’t be w/o the other
Stimulus generalization
If it responds in a similar manor to two or more stimuli
Opposite of stimulus discrimination
Observed by Pavlov
Stimulus generalization gradient
Subjects would respond higher to stimuli around the original wave length of the original stimulus
There is a gradient of responses that get generalized
What does a steep generalization gradient indicate?
A good control of behavior by the stimulus that is tested
How strongly and organism learns about one stimulus depends upon how easily other cues in the situation can become conditioned
Illustrates competition among stimuli for access to the process of learning
Pairing an a ( low intensity) and B ( high intensity together and pair with a reinforcer during conditioning
Stimulus element approach
Thinking of a compound stimulus in a particular stimulus feature is perceived the same way regardless of the status of another feature
Has dominated learning theory for over 80 years
Configural cue approach
Organisms treat a compound stimulus as an integral whole that is not divided into part or elements
Has roots in gestalt psych but still a more modern idea
Individuals respond to a compound stimulus in terms of the unique configuration of its elements
Ex) orchestra
What was disproven about pavlovs theory on stimulus generalization
While Pavlov believed the stimulus generalization gradient was determined by the physical property simulators between two object it was shown that it is instead determined by the organisms previous learning experience
Stimulus discrimination training
Most powerful procedure to bring behavior under the control of a stimulus
Can be done with classical conditioning or instrumental
Stimulus discrimination procedure
Establishes control by the stimuli that signal when reinforcement is and is not available
Emergence of greater responding to S+ than S-
Ex. Learning to cross at green b/c complemented
Discriminative stimuli
When the S+ and S- have gained control over the organisms behavior
S+ for preforming and S- for not
Multiple Schedule of reinforcement
An instrumental conditioning procedure in which responding is reinforced in the presence of one stimulus (S+) and not reinforced in the presence of another cue (S-)
Different schedules of reinforcement are in effect during different stimuli
Ex. VI schedule may be in effect when a light is on
An FR schedule may be in effect when a tone is presented
Participants will show steady rate of responding during each stimulus will correspond to the schedule of reinforcement in effect during that stimulus
Discrimination learning
Mentioned by spence
Based on the possibility that reinforcement of a response in the presence of the S+ conditions excitatory responses to the S+
And in contrast no reinforcement of S- conditions inhibitory processes that suppress the instrumental behavior
Excitatory generalization gradient
A pattern around S+ in discrimination learning that shows organisms respond more to S+
Inhibitory generalization gradient
A pattern of responding in discrimination learning where there is less responding to S-
Intradimentional discrimination
A training procedure in which the S+ and S- differ only in terms of the value of one stimulus feature
Peak-shift effect
Caused by intradimentional discrimination
Differing of results from control stimuli’s decrease responding as SD increases
Higher rates of response received one side of S+ that doesn’t have S-
Over compensate