Chapter 5 Instrumental Conditioning Foundations Flashcards
What was thorndikes experiment
Put animals like cats and rats into puzzle boxes to find their intelligence
Although over trials took less time didn’t believe showed larger intelligence R-S association instead
Instrumental Behavior
Behavior that occurs because it was previously instrumental in producing certain consequences
Also called goal directed behavior
Why was thorndikes puzzle experiment more like S-R association then intelligence
Animals showed many responses because trapped and one caused a CR response of the door opening so the animals learned to associate that action with door opening
Quickened response came from a stronger association of the two
Law of Effect
If a response in the presence of a stimuli is followed by a satisfying event, the association between the stimulus and the response is strengthened. If the response is followed by an annoying event the S-R association is weakened
There is a learned association between the response and the stimuli present at the time
Discrete Trial Procedures
Similar to thorndikes method
Each training trial ends with removal of the animal from the apparatus and the instrumental response is preformed only once during the trial
Usually in a maze
Running speed
A measure of maze behavior
How fast the animal gets from start to goal
Usually increases with repeated trials
Another measure of maze behavior
The time it takes the animal to leave the start box and begin moving down the alley
Usually become shorter with trials
Free operant procedures
Allows the animal to repeat the instrumental response w/I constraint
Invented by skinner
Operant Response
The effect a response has in terms of the environment
Activities that have the same environmental effect are considered to be instances of the same operant response
Doesn’t matter how as long as has the same result
Ex press lever
Magazine Training
The first phase of many conditionings
A delivery service of food called the food magazine bring food and is paired with a sound
Sign tracking started by pair
Sequence of training steps to get a specific response
Involved 3 components
1) clearly define the final response you want
2) clearly assess the starting level of performance
3) divide the progression from start to finish
Ex rat fed for going on back paws
Then fed when done near lever
Then only when on lever
Appetitive Stimulus
A pleasant outcome/ stimulus in instrumental conditioning situations
Could be turned on or off
Ex getting paid
Aversive stimulus
Unpleasant outcome in instrumental conditioning
Could be turned on or off
Positive reinforcement
The instrumental response produces an appetitive stimulus
If the response occurs an appetitive stimulus presented
If he response doesn’t occur the stimulus not presented
Produces an increase in the rate of responding
Ex give girl cookie for cleaning
The instrumental response produces an unpleasant aversive stimulus
Contains positive contingency between instrumental response and stimulus outcome
Effective punishment produces a decline in the instrumental response