Chapter 8 Social Psych Flashcards
social norms
shared rules or expectations of a group about how to behave
social roles
roles taken on by the individuals for the benefit of the group.
For each role, a set of social norms or rules determine the expected behavior of the person in that role
social status
the level of prestige or importance of a person within a group
our definiton of ourselves.
Who we consider ourselves to be.
social identity
part of our self concept that is based on our membership in particular groups.
socially dependent
the reliance of people on each other for emotion outcomes ( support),
feelings of belonging and social identity.
task dependent
behavior based on the aim of working together to complete a task successfully.
group norms
unwritten and often unspoken informal rules that govern individual behaviors in a group
abandoning usual restraints to join in group behavior
social loafing
putting less effort into an activity when in a group than when functioning alone.
group problem solving in which members are encouraged to be uninhibited in generating ideas
social catagorisation
the process of identifying a person as a member of a group because of the features they share
a form of social catagorisation based on what others presume to be shared features.
self- fulfilling prophecy
a prediction that directly or indirectly becomes true.
(By the conditions of the prophecy itself )
just-world phenomenon
the widespread belief that the world is just and fair
co operation
the process of working together to the same end
the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.
Psychologists use the term deindividuation to refer to a state in which people act differently than they normally would because they are part of a group.
Philip Zimbardo
Scientist who studied deindividuation