Chapter 8 : Safety and Security Flashcards
what is meant by physical safety ?
- physical safety is concerned with the dangers that could lead to serious injury or even loss of life
what are the physical risks ?
- electrocution
- fire hazard
- tripping hazard
- personal injury
what are the causes of electrocution ?
- spilling liquids or drinks on electrical equipment
- exposed wires /damaged insulation
- unsafe electrical equipment
- unsafe electrics ( wall socket ) in the office
what are the prevention measures for electrocution ?
- do not allow drinks to the computer room
- check wires on a regular basis and if there is any sign of damage to the insulation then change them
- make sure all the electronics are checked by a qualified electrician on a regular basis
- make use of RCB ( Residual current breaker ) to prevent electrocution
what are the causes of fire hazard ?
- overloaded wall socket ( a lot of wires plugged into one socket )
- overheated equipment ( due to poor heat dissipation )
- exposed wires causing a short circuit
how to prevent fire hazards ?
- increase the number of wall sockets and do not use as many extension blocks
- do not cover the cooling vents on computer equipment
- clean the accumulated dust in computer equipment to prevent overheating
- ensure good ventilations
- have equipment checked regularly
- use low voltage devices whenever possible
- always have fully tested carbon dioxide / dry powder fire extinguisher
what are the causes of tripping hazards ?
- trailing wires on the floor
- ## damaged carpets and others floorings
what are the prevention measures of tripping hazards ?
- use ducts to keep the wires safe
- cover exposed wires and hide them under the disk or generally away from throughfare
- to use wireless connectivity wherever possible , as those eliminate the wires all together
what are the causes of personal injury ?
- heavy equipment unstable or keep failing from desks
- desks collapses under weight / they are not designed to hold heavy weight
what are the preventions of personal injury ?
- use desks that can hold heavy weights
- and use tables and desks that are wide and long enough , so the equipment is not at the edge , where it can fall off
what is DPA ?
- DPA stands for Data protection act
- this is a legislation that is designed to protect individuals and to prevent inaccurate or incorrect data being stored.
what are the main principles of data protection acts ?
- data must be processed fairly and lawfully
- data must be processed for the stated purpose
- data has to be adequate , relevant and not excessive
- data must be accurate
- data must not be kept for more than necessary
- data must be processed in accordance with the data subject right’s
- data must be kept secure
- data should not be sent to another country unless they also have adequate protection
what happens to someone who fails to abide with the DPA which holds data about individuals ?
- heavy fines or imprisonment
what are the general guidelines about how to stop data being obtained unlawfully ?
- do not leave data on the desk when not attended
- lock filing cabinet when is not attended or when unoccupied
- do not leave data open on computer screen when unattended , log off when leaving the desk for any period of time
- use passwords and user ID , which should be kept secure , passwords should be changed frequently
- make sure any data being sent through fax or emails ( including attachments ) are not of sensitive nature
what is personal data ?
- it refers to any data concerning a living person which can be identified from the data iteself
what are the examples of personal data ?
- name
- email address or and address
- ID card number or a passport number
- IP address
- Cookie ID
- advertisement identifier on a mobile phone
- banking details
- photograph of the person
- date of birth
examples of personal sensitive data ?
- ethnicity or race
- political views
- philosophical beliefs or religion
- membership of a political party
- membership of a trade union
- gender
- biometric data
- criminal records
- ## medical records
what is one way to protect data if it is accidentally disclosed ?
where do we use E-safety ?
- when using the internet
- when receiving and sending emails
- taking part in social media
- online gaming
what is e-safety ?
- the risks , benefits and responsibilities of using IT
what are the precautions that can be taken to minimise the potential danger when using the internet ?
- when using the internet make sure you are using a secure website ( look for https or green padlock in the search bar)
- only purchase items from websites which offer secure , and encrypted connections
- when using search engines always make sure that the device settings are set to ‘safe search’ and the highest level of security is used
- only use websites that are refered to by teacher , parents or from trusted sources
- be careful what you download does it contain harmful materials and always have an anti-malware installed and up-to-date running in the background
- always remember to log out of websites when done and always remember that every time you log into a website they use cookies ( take special care with websites that store key data such as the credit card details or bank accounts
precautions when sending and receiving e-mails ?
- only open e-mails and attachments from known sources
- make sure your ISP have a good filtering service
- have a password for you e-mail which is hard to guess and change it frequently
- only answer to e-mails which you are coming from a source that you are 100 % sure of
- make sure you know about pharming and phishing
- make sure that you don’t press any hyperlinks as they can be apart of a phishing scam
- and know that the subscribe button can be itself fraudulent
- never send a picture or any sensitive data and think carefully before replaying to it
- do not use the cc or the to boxes when sending e-mails , but create a group which includes everybody the email is meant to then put the groups name in the bcc , then e-mail it to yourself this should give you and yourself some privacy against any un-authorised access to any e-mail address that is in the group
- take care when forwarding emails
- manually type in address as they may you can see if there is any tying mistake or any clues that tells that this is not genuine
- check that the email address or website addresses pertaining to come from a genuine company always contains the real companies website address if not it should be treated carefully.
how can you protect yourself using social media ?
- change privacy settings as only your friends can see them this will protect you from idenity theft
- change privacy settings so your friends are the only people who can send masseges
- do not post photos that can link you to a place ( such a plate number )
- do not post photos where you are wearing your school uniform this gives people information on where they can find you
- aviod using , forwarding , massages containing inappropriate language
how to be vigilant when using social networking sites, instant masseges or chat rooms ?
- always use a nickname never your real name
- keep private and personal data secret
why has online gaming increased ?
- better internet connections
- more sophisticated mobile devices
- greater realism in recent games
what are the known risks associated with online gaming ?
- predators
- cyberbullying ( which is the use of electronics to bully other people often through sending threating massages
- the use of web-cams
- changing voice technology ( cant tell their gender , age , or even their accent )
- it often overlooked that online games are a source of attack’s on the user mobile phone or computer
- the violence in the game itself can affect the behaviour of people in the future
what are the risks that the data faces when held on a computer / smartphone ?
- hacking
- phishing
- vishing
- smishing
- viruses
- malware
- card fraud
- pharming
what is the defenition of hacking ?
it is the act of gaining unathorised illegal access to a computer system
effects of hacking ?
- can lead to identity theft or misuse of personal information
- can delete , change or corrupt the data on the user’s computer
how to prevent hacking ?
- use of firewalls
- use of strong ( ferquently changed ) passwords and user IDs
- the use of ant-hacking/malware software
- the use of iDs and passwords
what is phishing ?
- so the attacker sends an e-mail which looks like it is from a legitimate source such as a bank or a well known service provider , as soon as the person clicks the link they are sent to a fake website or they are fooled into giving personal data in response to the e-mail
what are the consequence of phishing ?
- they can gain access personal data such as banking details or credit cards from the user
- it can lead to identity theft or fraud
how can we prevent phishing ?
- may ISPs has a filtering service for phishing e-mails
- the user should be cautious when opening emails or attachments
- should not open attachments that are executable such as .com , .exe , .php. , .bat
what does malicious refer to ?
- data deletion , fraud , identity theft and selling of personal data.
give an example of phishing ?
if the user is sent an e-mail saying they ordered something online and to click a link to see order details, the order will have a code that looks from a well-known company , then a massage will appear saying if you didn’t order this then click here to cancel order , to cancel order they will ask for credit card number , address , name , and so on . some of the key clues that the website will have links like ‘contact us ‘ that doesn’t work.
what is smishing ?
they are similar to phishing as they are short for ‘sms phishing’ , they send you an sms massage either containing a phone number to call or a link to click , when you do contact them they will tell you that you won some kind of prize and that they need your personal data to send it to you such as credit card number or passwords as with phishing the source will seem ligtimate , most people believe that these attacks are only done to computers and that their mobile-phones are safe , that what makes this a huge security risk.