Chapter 8 notes Flashcards
I want to fill an emptiness within myself is an example of what?
emotional security
a legal union between a man and a women
the greatest expected benefit of marriage is an example of what?
I want to have and raise children is an example of what?
desire to be a parent
What are some reasons of marriages for the wrong reason?
- physical attractiveness or economic security
- pressure from parents, peers, partners-or pregnancy
- escape, rebellion,rebound,or rescue
- The green-card fraudulent marriage
an event signaling a major change from one social status to another
rite of passage
What are some examples of preparation-marriage as a rite of passive?
- license-birth certificate, drivers license, etc
- both parties must be present
- divorce papers if applicable
- 3 day waiting period
- valid for 30 days
- $22.00 fee
What are some example of wedding rituals?
- Best man and maid of honor
- Bridesmaids and groomsmen
- flower girls and ring bearer
- unity candle, etc.
What are some things that bride wear?
Old-represents the durability of the impending marriage
New- emphasizes the new life to begin
borrowed- something already worn by a currently happy bride
blue-represents fidelity
_____ precent are married by a member of the clergy
____ precent are married by a justice of the peace.
What are some symbolism after the wedding?
The bride throwing her bouquet signifies the end of girlhood.
Rice/birdseed being thrown by guest signifies fertility
provide a period of recuperation from the wedding and reception
personal function
provide a time for the couple to be alone to solidify their identity
social funtion
Most partners assume that their relationship will be built around what two promises to each other?
sexually exclusive and permanent
an anit-divorce contract in which couple demonstrate their strong commitment by getting premarital counseling, getting martial counseling in time of difficulty, and agreeing not to divorce until after separation of two years or after proving adultery or domestic abuse.
The Covenant Marriage Contract
a contact signed by the couple before the wedding that specifies in advance. How property will be divided. and How children will be cared for.
The prenuptial agreement
a contract signed by couple after the partners are already married. Once spouse comes into an inheritance or starts a business. and When there are children from a previous marriage who need providing for.
The postnuptial agreement
greatest marital satisfaction
beginning phase
marriage force spouses to adjust their idealized expectations of each other. loss of independence, new friends and relatives, career and domestic roles-during the first year work out responsibilities, living expenses, etc.
Identity Bargaining
lasts about two and years per child
childbearing family
How long does child rearing-family with preschoolers last?
about three and half years
How long does Child Rearing-Family with School children last?
about seven years
How long does child rearing-family with adolescents last?
about seven years
How long does child rearing-family as launching center last?
about eight years
What are some changes during the child-rearing years?
work and other responsibilities, domestic responsibilities, and sexual changes
feeling of depression after the children have moved out
empty-nest syndrome
most income earners are nearing retirement and women tend to outlive their spouses happen in what phase?
aging phase
tension and unresolved conflict
conflict-habituated marriages
the partners have lost the strong emotional connection they once had but stay together out of duty.
devitalized marriage
couple focus on activities rather than intimacy. Have separate interest, married singles
passive-congenial marriages
intensely bonded together psychologically and participate in each other’s lives
vital marriages
participate in each other’s lives in all areas and have few areas of conflict or tension
total marriages
Unions based on convenience
Utilitarian marriages
Inherently rewarding unions
intrinsic marriages
More marital satisfaction
Middle-age phase
Less martial satisfaction
child-rearing phases
the couple adjusts to the relationship
agree on most issues of importance
comfortable in the roles that they assume
marriages between partners of similar education,ethnicity,race, religion, age, and social class.
- similar temperaments
- shared interests
- strong family ties and both sides
- similar views on children
Journey to Marriage Success is________.
commitment, acceptance and caring, and flexibility
do not change over time,do not allow for changes in the spouses
allow the partners to change over time and to grow as individuals and int he relationship